Soundeffects Wiki
Soundeffects Wiki
Uno Azumanga Universe Edition Box Art 3

Uno: Azumanga Universe Edition is a game based on the card game Uno. Aside from Azumanga Games Entertainment developing the game, the handheld version was developed by Black Lantern Studios, and bisoft Chengdu developed the console version. It was published by Bandai Namco Entertainment.

The Revolution version is a reskin of the Super Famicom Super Uno game.

The PocketTurbo Plus version is a reskin of the GBA Uno 52 game, which the PocketTurbo version is a port of.

The console versions on the Mega3DRX, SuperPlayer, and Blast are reskins of the Ubisoft published version.


Sound Effects Used

The PocketTurbo version only uses sounds made for the game, the Revolution, PocketTurbo Plus, Mega3DRX, SuperPlayer, and Blast versions are heavy on original sounds, and some stock sounds.

Revolution/PocketTurbo Plus


External Links

Video Game Fanon Wiki
