The Addams Family is an American animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions and based on the eponymous comic strip characters by Charles Addams. It is the second cartoon show to feature the characters (the first was the 1973 series, also produced by Hanna-Barbera), and ran from September 12, 1992, to November 6, 1993, on ABC. The series' development began in the wake of the successful 1991 Addams Family feature film. Two seasons were produced. It remained part of ABC's Saturday Morning lineup until it was replaced by Fudge in January 1995.
The series focuses on the Addams Family at their ancestral home in the fictional town of Happydale Heights. Much of the plot lines focus on mostly the family dealing with an issue concerning their lives, which they seek to resolve. In some stories, the Addams find themselves dealing with the Normanmeyer family who seek to exploit their situation or thwart their schemes in order to be rid of them from the town; the exception being the family's only son, who is friends with the Addams children. Most episodes focus on a single story, concluding with the Addams celebrating their success with a family dance.
As with the 1973 series, the macabre nature of the Addams family was toned down in order to be acceptable for children. An example of this is Gomez's love of cigars not being shown, along with his response to his wife's use of foreign languages being reduced to a mere kissing frenzy. In addition, writers also ensured that the plots for episodes followed a similar nature to those written for other Saturday morning cartoons of the period.
Also See[]
- The Addams Family (1964 Series)
- The Addams Family (1973 Series)
- Halloween with the New Addams Family (1977)
- The Addams Family (1991)
- Addams Family Values (1993)
- Addams Family Reunion (1998)
- The New Addams Family
- The Addams Family (2019)