Star Wars: Clone Wars is a 2003 TV Mini-Series produced by Lucasfilm Ltd. and Cartoon Network Studios, Directed and Produced by Genndy Tartakovsky. It is not to be confused with the 2008 Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV Series produced by Lucasfilm Animation for Cartoon Network, Netflix and Disney+.
The Audio PostProduction and Mix was Performed at Skywalker Sound which provided Post-Production Sound Services: Erik Foreman served as the Sound Effects Editor & Re-Recording Mixer and uncredited sound designer; Technical Audio Supervisor Jonathan Greber and Digital Transfer guys Chris Barron & John Countryman served as Assistant Editors on Season 1 according to the Volume One DVD credits, and Bruce Lacey was Sound Editor on Season 3 according to the Volume Two DVD credits. The foley team is uncredited and to be announced.
The events and battles of the Galactic Republic's last major war are recounted.
TV Show Intro[]
Sound Effects Used[]
Image Gallery[]
Star Wars: Clone Wars/Image Gallery
Audio Samples[]
The low-pitched variant of SKYWALKER, ELECTRICITY - THE FORCE WHINE as heard in Chapter 5.