Rise of the Guardians is a 2012 3D computer-animated film produced by DreamWorks Animation and released by Paramount Pictures, the final DreamWorks Animation feature to be distributed by Paramount Pictures before took over to 20th Century Fox in 2013, beginning with The Croods.
Sound Effects Used[]
- Hollywoodedge, Cats Fighting Loud Sc PE917007/Hollywoodedge, Cats Two Angry YowlsD PE022601 (2nd yowl; heard when Jack and Sandy crashed through a building while chasing nightmares.)
- Hollywoodedge, Crash Metal Glass PE110801
- Hollywoodedge, Dog Doberman Growls AT021001
- Hollywoodedge, Giggling Two Childre PE131001/Hollywoodedge, Two Young Kids Giggle PE143501
- Hollywoodedge, High Pitch Moose Cal CRT013101