Rimba's Island is a preschool children's television series featuring colorful costumed animal characters living in a rainforest. It aired on Fox Kids as part of The Fox Cubhouse, starting in 1994.
TV Show Intro[]
Sound Effects Used[]
- H-B BOING, CARTOON - SHORT, SMALL BOING (Heard once in "Since You Went Away".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bang Whonk CRT032404 (Heard once in "Small Packages".)
- Hollywoodedge, Boing Box Bing CRT2010806 (Heard once in "A Messy Problem".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bubbles Gurgling Up PE052701 (Heard once in "A Messy Problem".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bulb Horn Honk PE940706 (Heard once in "A Messy Problem".)
- Hollywoodedge, Cuckoo Clock Strikin PE179401 (Heard once in "Nor a Borrower Be".)
- Hollywoodedge, Head Bonk Whorn 3 Typ CRT032401 (1st bonk; heard once in "Small Packages".)
- Hollywoodedge, Jaw Harp Twang VocalA PE940505 (Heard once in "Since You Went Away" and "A Messy Problem".)
- Hollywoodedge, Metal Bonk Wlowpitc CRT031703 (Heard once in "To Share or Not to Share".)
- Hollywoodedge, Short Bass Honk WCow CRT032406 (Heard once in "Small Packages".)
- Hollywoodedge, Short Metal BonkieF CRT031702 (Heard once in "To Share or Not to Share".)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - SINGLE TIMP DOING (Heard once in "Since You Went Away" and "A Messy Problem".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, POP - SMALL POP 01 (Heard once in "Nor a Borrower Be".)
- Sound Ideas, COMEDY, ACCENT - WARBLY SLIDE WHISTLE UP (Heard once in "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad Island".)
- Sound Ideas, SLIDE, CARTOON - FAST SLIDE UP AND DOWN 02 (1st slide heard once in a low pitch in "To Share or Not to Share".)
- Sound Ideas, SLIDE, CARTOON - FIDDLE SLIDE AND QUICK RUN UP (Heard once in "A Messy Problem".)
- Sound Ideas, TWANG, CARTOON - BOWANG (Heard once in "Oh Where, Oh Where".)
Image Gallery[]