Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas is a 2004 American animated Christmas anthology film produced by Disneytoon Studios and directed by Matthew O'Callaghan. The film includes stories directed by Peggy Holmes, O'Callaghan, Theresa Cullen, and Carole Holliday. It is the computer-animated sequel to Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas (1999). It features Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Pluto, Goofy, Max, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, and Scrooge McDuck, in five different segments rather than three like its predecessor. It received generally positive reviews from critics.
Also See[]
Sound Effects Used[]
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Audio Samples[]
File:Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas Elves Laughing.ogg
(Small Animal Laugh CRT013301 in a low pitch as used for the pop-up illustration of the elves laughing in the opening scene.)