June 5, 2020 - Present
Channel Description[]
Welcome to Isaac's YouTube channel. He do gameplays, vlogs, and curious things in my mind. I am so ready to be more curious, strong, brave, and conscious. His hobbies are LEGO, Drawing, game streamer, etc. Things he don't do: Memes, kind of violent things happen, or something sexual. Feel free to look around on his channel since 2020.
Sound Effects Used[]
- Charlie Brown Scream (Heard once in "Balthazar KICKS Basil the Batlord OUT! (JOKE VID)." Note: he decided to put Charlie Brown's Aaugh sound instead, or replacing Wilhelm Scream noises in the video.)
- Cipha Sounds Air Horn (Heard in "LEGO Racers 25th anniversary part 1 of 2. We go savage every time we race like crazy!" along with Sound Ideas, CHILDREN, CROWD - SMALL STUDIO AUDIENCE OF CHILDREN: BIG CHEER, CHEERING 01 and Hollywoodedge, Medium Exterior Crow PE140401 (Heard when Isaac's roasting on Captain Redbeard")
- FNAF Jumpscare Sound (Heard once in "YouTube Poop: Jett, And Link plays XD Dark Ride: Carnival ft. Pennywise from IT series".) and (Heard once in "YouTube Poop: Courtney Wall, Rocket Racer, Link, and Pennywise playing Carnival Chaos part 2 🤡 ⛵🎈".)
- Galaga Death Sound (Heard in "Galaga gameplay on Ms. Pac Man arcade1up", and once in "YouTube Poop: Rocket Racer, Captain Redbeard, Toon Link, and Jack Sparrow plays XD Dark Ride PIRATES", and in "Gameplay of Galaga on Pac-Man Arcade1Up".)
- Galaxian Alien Fall Sound (Heard in "YouTube Poop: Scout, Pennywise, Rocket Racer, and Heavy goes to Namco Circuit in MKAGPDX")
- GoAnimate - SCARY (Heard once in "Crafty Coyote messes up the entire house, and gets grounded" and "Crafty SCARES Bumble Bear-y to death / Grounded!" when Bumble Bear-y Discovers Pennywise animatronic that crafty pulls on, once in 2 versions of "Crafty ate my birthday cake!" English or French Canadian language video.)
- Goofy Holler (Heard once in "YouTube Poop: Alpha and Omega and friends plays Knott’s Bear-y Tales ft. Solid Snake".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bird Hawk Single Scre PE020801 (Heard in "XD Dark Ride Longplay: Los Banditos, Neon Ninja, and bonus."}
- Hollywoodedge, Elephant Single Clas AT043701 (Heard faintly on "Fun with Wii Party. Hide and hunt" and "Wii party part 7! it was cheesy!".)
- Hollywoodedge, Fart 1 Medium Fart Clo PE138901 (Heard once in "Balthazar Salazar farted (JOKE)".)
- Hollywoodedge, Punch Face Hit 1 Sharp PE100101 (Heard twice in "YouTube Poop: Rocket Racer, Captain Redbeard, Toon Link, and Jack Sparrow plays XD Dark Ride PIRATES".)
- Microsoft Windows 3.1 Ta-Da Sound (Heard in "Gameplay of Roblox".)
- Pac-Man Chomp Sound (Heard in "Our Cam: Balthazar Salazar, Crafty, and Davy Jones's tantrum while leaving D&B!" while players are playing Pac-Man Battle Royale Chompionship, and in "The troublemakers makes an offensive meme out of us at Chuck E Cheese's/Grounded BIG TIME!".)
- Pac-Man Game Start Sound (Cut towards the end.) (When Balthazar starts recording him, while Boysen starts playing Pac-Man Ticket Mania in "The troublemakers makes an offensive meme out of us at Chuck E Cheese's/Grounded BIG TIME!)
- Pac-Man Ghost Sound (Heard in "Our Cam: Balthazar Salazar, Crafty, and Davy Jones's tantrum while leaving D&B!" while players are playing Pac-Man Battle Royale Chompionship, and in "The troublemakers makes an offensive meme out of us at Chuck E Cheese's/Grounded BIG TIME!".)
- Pac-Man Move Sound (Heard in "Our Cam: Balthazar Salazar, Crafty, and Davy Jones's tantrum while leaving D&B!" while players are playing Pac-Man Battle Royale Chompionship, and in "The troublemakers makes an offensive meme out of us at Chuck E Cheese's/Grounded BIG TIME!".)
- Pro Sound Effects, Scream, Screaming, Screams, Ahh, Human, Man, Male (Heard once in "Crafty's 1st punishment day" and once in "YouTube Poop: Alpha and Omega and friends plays Knott’s Bear-y Tales ft. Solid Snake".)
- Roblox Death Sound (Heard once in "YouTube Poop: Alpha and Omega and friends plays Knott’s Bear-y Tales ft. Solid Snake" and "Gameplay of Roblox".)
- SKYWALKER LIGHTSABER SOUND (Heard in "Crafty Coyote gets grounded on Star Wars Day".)
- SM64 Star Sparkle Sound (Heard in "YouTube Poop: Elliot's bad day (Good Sports Gang YouTube Poop)")
- Smosh Shut Up Sound (Heard once in "LEGO Racers 25th anniversary part 1 of 2. We go savage every time we race like crazy!", and once in "YouTube Poop: Elliot's bad day (Good Sports Gang YouTube Poop)")
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, WHISTLE - SIREN WHISTLE (Heard once in "YouTube Poop: Rocket Racer, Captain Redbeard, Toon Link, and Jack Sparrow plays XD Dark Ride PIRATES" when Bluejacket Jack throws a toy gun to the players.)
- Sound Ideas, CHILDREN, CROWD - SMALL STUDIO AUDIENCE OF CHILDREN: BIG CHEER, CHEERING 01 (Heard in recent gameplays of Everybody 1-2-Switch, and once in "Giant clown from XD Dark Ride game Carnival made with LEGO Mosaic")
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - BIG HEAD BONK (Heard once in "Crafty Coyote messes up the entire house, and gets grounded" and "Crafty SCARES Bumble Bear-y to death / Grounded!", once in "YouTube Poop Short: Idiot kid kills horse" (Sped Up edit).)
- Sound Ideas, HUMAN, DRINK - DRINK LIQUID FROM A MUG, SWALLOW (Heard in "YouTube Poop: Alpha and Omega and Cogman plays Kinect Sports", "Humphrey drove Cogman Crazy! Part One", "Crafty's 1st punishment day" and "One month remaining! while Isaac drinks his water next to Flapper Bear-y".)
- Sound Ideas, POP, CARTOON - POP GUN 01 (Heard in "YouTube Poop: Rocket Racer, Captain Redbeard, Toon Link, and Jack Sparrow plays XD Dark Ride PIRATES". Used when Bluejacket Jack uses his toy gun.)
- Sound Ideas, STEREO, TURNTABLE - NEEDLE SCRATCHING RECORD, RECORD PLAYER 02 (Heard once in "Crafty Gets Grounded on Star Wars Day (AGAIN)"! and "The forest friend show great Wolf Lodge.".)
- Sound Ideas, RUN, CARTOON - BLOP GALLOP, LONG/SHORT (Heard once in "Wii Party FUNNIEST moment ever!!!!" when his video speeds up in "Flag Fracas" minigame in "Spin off" when they're trying to win 99,999 medals.)
- Sound Ideas, THUNDER - THUNDER CLAP AND RUMBLE, WEATHER 01 (Series 6000) (Heard once in "Pennywise goes insane in a mental asylum", and "The LEGO Racers OST got me like" during Basil's cutscene, once in "Pennywise Sings Knott's Bear-y Tales" (Heard when Pennywise approaches like storm style before he starts singing.)
- Sound Ideas, TRAIN, STEAM - WHISTLE, MANY BLASTS, CLOSE UP (Heard in "XD Dark Ride Longplay: Los Banditos, Neon Ninja, and bonus." also when Isaac said, "Choo Choo!")
- Sound Ideas, WHISTLE, BOSON - BOSON PIPE: LONG CALL (Heard once in "YouTube Poop: Rocket Racer, Captain Redbeard, Toon Link, and Jack Sparrow plays XD Dark Ride PIRATES".)
- Sound Ideas, WOLF - LONG HOWL, ANIMAL 01 (Heard once in "Pennywise goes insane in a mental asylum".)
- Wilhelm Scream (Heard once in "Crafty Gets Grounded on Star Wars Day (AGAIN)" when crafty blows up an oven in friends' house for trying to get cookies, twice in "YouTube Poop: Rocket Racer, Captain Redbeard, Toon Link, and Jack Sparrow plays XD Dark Ride PIRATES", once in "Pennywise goes insane in a mental asylum", and once in "That Goomba looks so serene".)
Other Audio Used[]
- APM Music (Heard once in "Balthazar Salazar steals from the grocery store / GROUNDED in jail! and in "The troublemakers makes an offensive meme out of us at Chuck E Cheese's/Grounded BIG TIME!".)