Global Grover is an award-winning Sesame Street segment hosted by Grover, in which the blue monster travels all over the world to explore the traditions of peoples from many diverse cultures. Grover speaks directly to the viewer, usually having just returned from a trip to somewhere around the globe. After a brief film shot on location, Grover may receive a helping hand from a Muppet assistant before signing off. Says Grover, "I come back and I always bring something from my travels and teach everyone on Sesame Street about the places I went to." He continues, "I had not even gone around the corner before. This was something extra special."
Sound Effects Used[]
- H-B ZIP, CARTOON - HIGH WHISTLE ZING OUT (Heard once in "Jordan".)
- H-B ZIP, CARTOON - LOW WHISTLE ZING OUT (Heard once in "Taiko Drums".)
- Hollywoodedge, Belch 8 Long Disgusti PE138701 (Heard once in "Egypt: Farm".)
- Hollywoodedge, Cat Domestic Meow Ang AT010501 (Heard once in "Malaysia".)
- Hollywoodedge, Elephant Calls 3x Wl CRT012902 (1st trumpet; heard once in a low pitch in "World Bathing".)
- Hollywoodedge, Elephant Single Clas AT043701 (Heard once in a high pitch in "World Bathing".)
- Hollywoodedge, Elephant Honks Blows PE024901 (Heard once in "World Bathing".)
- Hollywoodedge, Fog Horn 1 SS017201 (Heard once in "Hawaii: Hula".)
- Hollywoodedge, Fst Hvy Metallic Imp CRT017305 (Heard once in a high pitch in "World School" and "Trinidad".)
- Hollywoodedge, Heavy Head Bonk Fall CRT033002 (Heard once in "Malaysia" and "Trinidad".)
- Hollywoodedge, Large Ceramic Pot Bre TE023001/Hollywoodedge, Pottery Drop Break PE112401 (Heard once in "Israel".)
- Hollywoodedge, Magical Gliss Ascend AC015101 (Heard once in "Iceland: Puffins".)
- Hollywoodedge, Medlow Pitch Boing CRT015902 (1st boing; heard often in "Australia: Dugout".)
- Hollywoodedge, Metal Hinge Creak CRT053503 (Heard once in "Netherlands".)
- Hollywoodedge, Metallic Clicks Rap CRT038103 (Heard once in "Australia: Dugout".)
- Hollywoodedge, Musical Boing Metlc CRT016302 (Heard once in "England: Cricket".)
- Hollywoodedge, Sngl Seagull No Srf PE800101 (Heard once in "Hawaii: Hula".)
- Hollywoodedge, Springy Boinge Long CRT016202 (Heard often in "Australia: Dugout".)
- Hollywoodedge, Tumble Boing CRT017306 (Heard once in a high pitch in "World School".)
- Hollywoodedge, Twangy Boing Jews Ha CRT016201 (Heard often in various pitches in "Australia: Dugout" and twice in a high pitch in "World School".)
- Hollywoodedge, Wet Splats Various CRT052303 (Heard once in "Puerto Rico" and "Bangladesh: Art".)
- OMI, Cartoon FX - Record Scratch (Heard once in "World School".)
- OMI, Quick Hits - Bulb Horn (Heard once in "World School".)
- Sound Ideas, ANIMAL, HORSE - WHINNY AND NEIGH OUTSIDE VERSION 1/Sound Ideas, HORSE - SINGLE HORSE WHINNY, ANIMAL 01 (Heard once in "Saskatchewan".)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - EARS DRUM BOUNCE (Heard once in "World School".)
- Sound Ideas, BOINK, CARTOON - DOINK 01 (Heard once in a high pitch in "World School".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, BOING - JEW'S HARP BOING, MEDIUM (Heard in various pitches in "World School".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, BOING - JEW'S HARP SPROING (Heard once in "England: Cricket".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, WHISTLE - FAST ZIP BY (Heard thrice in "Chinese Acrobatics" and once in "Mexico", "Poland", "Bangladesh: Coconut Leaves" and "Bangladesh: Fishing".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, WHISTLE - SLIDE WHISTLE: FAST ZIP BY 01 (Heard once in a high pitch in "World School".)
- Sound Ideas, ELECTRONIC - MAGICAL SWISH 03 (Heard once in "Nicaragua".)
- Sound Ideas, MAGIC - MAGIC BELL GLISS UP 01/Sound Ideas, XYLOPHONE - UP GLISS, MUSIC, PERCUSSION 01 (Heard once in a high pitch in "Africa".)
- Sound Ideas, MAGIC - TINKERBELL BY (Heard once in "World Bathing" and "Alaska".)
- Sound Ideas, SPLAT, CARTOON - PAINT FIGHT GLOP 03 (Heard once in "Puerto Rico".)
- Sound Ideas, SPLAT, CARTOON - PAINT FIGHT GLOP 05 (1st splat; heard once in "Puerto Rico".)
- Sound Ideas, SPLAT, CARTOON - PAINT FIGHT GLOP 08 (Heard once in "Puerto Rico".)
- Sound Ideas, WHISTLE, SLIDE - SLIDE, DOWN, COMEDY (Heard once in a high pitch in "Malaysia", "World School", "Trinidad" and "Puerto Rico".)
- Sound Ideas, WIND - GENTLE DESOLATE WIND, WEATHER (Heard once in "Alaska" and "Malaysia".)
- Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - BIG WHISTLE ZING OUT (Heard once in "Jordan" and "Netherlands".)
- Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - QUICK FIDDLE ZIP UP, HIGH (Heard once in "Poland" and "France".)
- Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - QUICK SLIDE WHISTLE ZIP DOWN (Heard once in "Bangladesh: Coconut Leaves" and "Bangladesh: Fishing".)