George Shrinks is a children's animated television series. It is based on the children's book by the well-known author William Joyce, produced in China by Jade Animation and Canadian studio Nelvana, in association with PBS. The show premiered as part of the "Bookworm Bunch" block on September 30, 2000 and ended with the final episode on January 23, 2003.
The show tells the story of a small, 10-year-old boy named George who, one night dreams that he is three inches tall, only to wake up and discover that he actually shrunk in the night. The show details his navigating life with his friends and family as he solves problems using machines he and his father have created.
TV Show Intro[]
Sound Effects Used[]
- Bainbridge Records, Herd Of Cows Mooing
- Hollywoodedge, Bird Duck Quacks Clos PE020501 (Heard once in "Hound of the Bath-ervilles".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bird Parrot VariousS PE021301 (Heard once in "Hound of the Bath-ervilles".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bird Seagull Four Sin PE021601 (Heard once in "A Day at the Beach".)
- Hollywoodedge, Blow Dryer Turn On Dry PE165201 (Heard once in "Can We Keep Him?".)
- Hollywoodedge, Cat Domestic Meow Ang AT010501 (Heard once in "George Unshrinks" when Sparkle Tangerine pounces on the fireman. It is also used in "Can We Keep Him?".)
- Hollywoodedge, Cat Domestic Meow Ang AT010602 (Heard once in "George Unshrinks" when Sparkle Tangerine chases George Shrinks' dad. It is also used in "Can We Keep Him?".)
- Hollywoodedge, Cat Domestic Meow Ang AT010603 (Heard once in "Can We Keep Him?".)
- Hollywoodedge, Cats Fighting Loud Sc PE917007/Hollywoodedge, Cats Two Angry YowlsD PE022601 (Used for Sparkle Tangerine. Besides using this for Sparkle Tangerine's yowls and screeches, the 3rd and 4th yowls were also used for two different cats when they were running from the French chef in "On the Road".)
- Hollywoodedge, Chickens Clucks Farm AT084301 (Heard once in "Hound of the Bath-ervilles".)
- Hollywoodedge, Children Sml Grp Laug PE954803/Hollywoodedge, Small Group Kids Laug PE143601 (Heard once in "Toy George".)
- Hollywoodedge, Children Sml Grp Yell PE954901/Hollywoodedge, Small Group Kids Chee PE142801 (Heard once in "Toy George".)
- Hollywoodedge, Dog Small Angry Barks PE023401 (Heard once in "The Lost World of George Shrinks".)
- Hollywoodedge, Elephant Trumpeting PE024801 (8th trumpet heard once in "Hound of the Bath-ervilles" and several trumpets heard often in 'If I Ran the Circus".)
- Hollywoodedge, Fly Buzzes Against Wi TE016601 (Heard once in "Tankful of Trouble".)
- Hollywoodedge, Goat Baas Close Persp PE025101 (Heard once in "Hound of the Bath-ervilles".)
- Hollywoodedge, Goat Baas CU Classic TE016101 (Heard twice in "Hound of the Bath-ervilles".)
- Hollywoodedge, Hub Cap Falls On Aspha PE077701 (Heard once in "Close Encounters of the Bird Kind".)
- Hollywoodedge, Large Splash Or DiveW PE127301 (Heard once in the intro.)
- Hollywoodedge, Rottweiler Vicious B PE023601 (Heard once in "Hound of the Bath-ervilles".)
- Hollywoodedge, Servo Motor 5 Quick On PE202601 (Heard once in "Can We Keep Him?".)
- Hollywoodedge, Single Frog Croak Cl CRT013001 (Heard once in "Down in the Bayou".)
- Hollywoodedge, Steam Train WhistleM BB030601
- Hollywoodedge, Tire Skids For Plane PE060901 (Heard once in "If It Ain't Broke".)
- Hollywoodedge, Weird Talking Device LB014501 (Heard once in "Close Encounters of the Bird Kind".)
- Nelvana Crowd Whistling Sound (Heard once in "Toy George".)
- Nelvana Stomach Growl (Heard once in "Becky in Wonderland" when George's stomach growled.)
- Nelvana Thunder (Heard once in "Becky in Wonderland".)
- OMI, Train Whistles - Single Whistle (Heard often in "In the Duck Soup".)
- Sound Ideas, BIRD, FLAMINGOES - VARIOUS: CALLS, ANIMAL (Heard once in "Hound of the Bath-ervilles".)
- Sound Ideas, BIRD, GOOSE - CANADA GOOSE: CALLS, GEESE, ANIMAL (Heard once in "Hound of the Bath-ervilles".)
- Sound Ideas, BIRD, ROOSTER - MORNING CALL, ANIMAL 01 (Heard twice in "Hound of the Bath-ervilles".)
- Sound Ideas, BIRD, SILKY CHICKEN - RAPID CALLS, ANIMAL (Heard twice in "Hound of the Bath-ervilles".)
- Sound Ideas, BOINK, CARTOON - TIMP DOINK (Heard once in a low pitch in "Close Encounters of the Bird Kind".)
- Sound Ideas, CAT - DOMESTIC: SINGLE MEOW, ANIMAL 04 (Heard twice in "Hound of the Bath-ervilles".)
- Sound Ideas, COUNTRY, DAY - BIRDS, CRICKETS, STEADY BREEZE, AMBIENCE (Heard once in "Ants in the Pantry" and "The Lost World of George Shrinks".)
- Sound Ideas, COW - SINGLE MOO, ANIMAL 01 (Heard once in "Hound of the Bath-ervilles".)
- Sound Ideas, COW - SINGLE MOO, ANIMAL 02 (Heard twice in "Hound of the Bath-ervilles".)
- Sound Ideas, DONKEY - C.U. BRAY, ANIMAL (Heard once in "Hound of the Bath-ervilles".)
- Sound Ideas, DOOR, BELL - SINGLE RING (Heard once in "The More Things Change".)
- Sound Ideas, DOOR, WOOD - OPEN 02 (Heard once in "Return to Sender" and "The More Things Change".)
- Sound Ideas, FROG, BULLFROG - CROAKING, ANIMAL, AMPHIBIAN 02 (Heard once in "Hound of the Bath-ervilles" and heard repeatedly in "Tankful of Trouble".)
- Sound Ideas, HORSE - 3 WHINNIES, 3 SNORTS, C.U, ANIMAL (Heard once in "Hound of the Bath-ervilles".)
- Sound Ideas, HORSE - EXTERIOR: WHINNY, ANIMAL 02 (Heard once in "Hound of the Bath-ervilles".)
- Sound Ideas, HORSE - EXTERIOR: WHINNY, ANIMAL 04 (Heard once in "Hound of the Bath-ervilles".)
- Sound Ideas, HORSE - INTERIOR: WHINNY, ANIMAL 01 (Heard once in "Hound of the Bath-ervilles".)
- Sound Ideas, HORSE - INTERIOR: WHINNY, ANIMAL 02 (Heard once in "Hound of the Bath-ervilles".)
- Sound Ideas, MAIL BOX, METAL - OPEN LID, LETTER, POST (Heard twice in "Tankful of Trouble".)
- Sound Ideas, PIG - SNORTING, ANIMAL (Heard once in "Hound of the Bath-ervilles".)
- Sound Ideas, ROBOT, MOTOR - ROBOT SERVO MOTOR 03 (Heard once in the intro, "Can We Keep Him?" and "The Lost World of George Shrinks".)
- Sound Ideas, SIREN - 'WAIL' SIREN, POLICE, AMBULANCE, FIRE TRUCK 01 (Heard once in "Can We Keep Him?".)
- Sound Ideas, SPACE, COMPUTER - SPACE SHIP CONSOLE: BEEP, ELECTRONIC, SCI FI 02 (Heard once in a high pitch in "Hound of the Bath-ervilles".)
- Sound Ideas, SQUEAK, METAL - MOVE SIDE TO SIDE (Heard once in "Down the Drain".)
- Sound Ideas, SQUEAK, METAL - TURNING (Heard once in a low pitch in "If It Ain't Broke".)
- Sound Ideas, SQUIRREL - CHATTERING, ANIMAL, RODENT (H-B) (Heard once in a high pitch at the beginning of "On the Road".)
- Sound Ideas, WIND - HOWLING AND WHISTLING, WEATHER (Heard once in "Return to Sender".)
- Unknown Sound Effects Library, Train Whistle 02 (Heard once in "Hound of the Bath-ervilles".)