Elektra is a 2005 superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Elektra Natchios and directed by Rob Bowman. It is a spin-off from the film Daredevil, with Jennifer Garner reprising her role as the titular character. The story follows Elektra, an assassin who must protect a man and his prodigy daughter from another assassin who was hired by the Hand. Goran Visnjic, Will Yun Lee, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, and Terence Stamp also star.
For the screenplay, Zak Penn, Stuart Zicherman, and Raven Metzner received "written by" credit. Mark Steven Johnson received credit for "motion picture characters" and Frank Miller for "comic book characters". Filming started around May 2004 in Vancouver.
The film was released on January 14, 2005. Upon its release, Elektra was a commercial and critical failure, grossing $57 million against a production budget of $43–65 million. It received negative reviews from critics, who found the script and storyline lacking, but many praised Garner's performance. Garner is set to reprise her role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe film Deadpool 3 which deals with the concept of the multiverse.
Sound Effects Used[]
- Hollywoodedge, Gun Classic Pistol Co PE090601
- Hollywoodedge, Multiple Single Bull PE236501
- Unknown Sound Effects Library, Seagull Call