Balto is an action platform game based on the 1995 movie of the same name developed by Taito and published by Universal Interactive for the Bandai Extreme, Revolution, Bandai CD, PocketTurbo, PocketTurbo Plus. It follows the plot of the movie, with many familiar scenes.
Sound Effects Used
- Hollywoodedge, Bear Grizzly Roar Sin AT030301 (Use for the black bear boss in the Bandai CD version.)
- Hollywoodedge, Dog Medium Barks Inte PE023201 (Use for Balto's barking attack.)
- Hollywoodedge, Gusts Heavy Cold Wind PE031601/Whistling Wind Stead PE033301 (Bandai CD version only.)
- Hollywoodedge, Lion Roar Snarl Growl AT013501 (Lower pitched, use for the black bear boss in the Bandai Extreme and Revolution versions.)
- Sound Ideas, Animals - Large dog howling 02 (Use for Steele's defeat in the Bandai Extreme and Revolution versions.)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, BOING - JEW'S HARP BOING, MEDIUM (Very high pitched in the Bandai CD version, use for Muk and Luk's bounces.)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, BOING - JEW'S HARP BOING, SHORT 01 (Normal pitch in the Bandai Extreme version, and high pitched in the Bandai Revolution version, use for Muk and Luk's bounces.)
- Sound Ideas, EXTERIOR SHOTS, ASSAULT RIFLES - .762 - AK-47 ASSAULT RIFLE POW WITH TRAIL (Bandai Revolution and Bandai Extreme versions only.)
- Sound Ideas, SWISH - ARM OR WEAPON SWING THROUGH AIR, SWOOSH 03 (Normal pitched in the Bandai Revolution version, and low pitched in the Bandai CD version, use for Balto's paw attack.)
- Sound Ideas, WOLVES - TIMBER-WOLVES: HOWLING, ANIMAL, WOLF 01 (Use for Steele's defeat in the Bandai CD version.)
- Sound Ideas, WOLVES - TIMBER-WOLVES: HOWLING, ANIMAL, WOLF 02 (Use for Balto's death in the Bandai CD version.)