Balamory is a Scottish live action television series on British television for pre school children, about a fictional small island community called Balamory in Scotland. It was produced between 10 February 2002 and 14 April 2005 by BBC Scotland, with 254 episodes made (including a DVD exclusive Christmas episode).
TV Show Intro[]
Sound Effects Used[]
- Cuica 02
- Hollywoodedge, Fart 9 Wet Squish Coul PE139701 (Heard once in "I'm Archie the Inventor" Song.)
- Hollywoodedge, Gusts Heavy Cold Wind PE031601 (Heard once in "Bedtime".)
- Hollywoodedge, Small Group Kids Laug PE143601 (Heard in "When I Honk My Horn" Song.)
- Sound Ideas, ANVIL - SINGLE HIT ON ANVIL WITH HAMMER, METAL 01 (Heard once in "I'm Archie the Inventor" Song.)
- Sound Ideas, BICYCLE - BICYCLE, SQUEALING HAND BRAKE, MOUNTAIN BIKE, DIGIFFECTS (7th squeal; heard twice in Spencer's song.)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - SPROING 01 (Heard once in "Bedtime".)
- Sound Ideas, COMEDY, ACCENT - WOOD XYLOPHONE: HOP UP (Heard once in "The Story Pole" at a slow pace.)
- Sound Ideas, COW - SINGLE MOO, ANIMAL 01 (Heard in "I'm PC Plum." Song.)
- Sound Ideas, COW - SINGLE MOO, ANIMAL 02
- Sound Ideas, ELECTRICITY, SPARK - HIGH VOLTAGE SPARK, ELECTRICAL 01 (Heard three times in "The Power Cut.")
- Sound Ideas, FARM ANIMALS - COCK CROWS 01 (Heard in "The Hat Story".)
- Sound Ideas, HARP - CHORDAL GLISS, UP, MUSIC (Heard once in "Fun Run".)
- Sound Ideas, SCI FI - ROSEY'S ROBOT MOTOR (Used for Archie's Robot)
- Sound Ideas, SPACE, DOOR - SPACE SHIP DOOR 3, OPEN, SCI FI (Heard once in "Bedtime".)
- Sound Ideas, SQUEAK, CARTOON - RUBBING SQUEAKS (Heard once in "Washing".)
- Sound Ideas, XYLOPHONE - XYLOPHONE: LONG RUN UP, CARTOON, MUSIC, PERCUSSION (Heard once in "The Hat Story".)