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Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2022 is the third annual edition comic for the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series published by IDW Publishing.

Official solicitation[]

It's a little mangled, it's kind of jumbled, it's the 2022 Annual with Rough & Tangle and Rouge & Tumble! Writers Ian Flynn, Evan Stanley & Gigi Dutreix, Aaron Hammerstrom, Daniel Barnes, Ian Mutchler, and India Swift bring to readers six new heartwarming stories of unlikely pairs![1]

Featured stories[]



On the seas of Blaze's world, Blaze uses her pyrokinesis to fly from the Ocean Tornado to an enemy vessel belonging to the Robot Pirates. She deals with the Badniks on board and holds up one of them with just its head remaining, demanding to know where the leader of the crew is hiding. The robot denies there being a leader and claims that it and its crewmates were the only ones left until Blaze finished them off. Blaze warns the robot not to lie to her, but the robot reaffirms its answer, stating that Captain Whisker, Johnny, and Min & Mum are gone along with their fleet, and that Blaze has won. Marine then approaches with the Ocean Tornado, asking if Blaze needs help and if she won. Later, as they sail back to land, Marine wonders what Blaze is upset about since they are finally done hunting pirates, but Blaze states that they must remain vigilant. Marine tells her that she has earned some time off now that they have won, but Blaze explains that due to her status as princess of an empire and guardian of the Sol Emeralds, she carries tremendous responsibilities for each duty. Marine, believing Blaze should still be able to relax, wonders who can convince her if she cannot.

Later on, by using the Sol Emeralds, Blaze crosses over to Sonic's world, and appears in Lava Reef on Angel Island, where she meets Knuckles. He asks if Blaze was the cause of the strange pillar of flame he saw, which she confirms, stating that the Sol Emeralds are not subtle in their use. She explains that while they are not well acquainted and that she does not like to share her burdens with others, she learned from Sonic that it is okay to trust and seek help from others, and hopes to get Knuckles's opinion since he is also a guardian. As they walk through the area, Blaze asks Knuckles if it is ever acceptable to step away from one's duties instead of honoring them at all times. He asks her in response if she has royal duties due to being a princess, which she confirms, stating that her ministers handle most administration while she reviews their paperwork, and that the empire has been peaceful and prosperous. During that time, she hunted down the Robot Pirates but they were defeated, leaving her world at peace. Knuckles asks about the Sol Emeralds, to which she responds that they are kept in a secure case under constant watch when they are not on her person. He also asks if that case can be hidden someplace more secure, which Blaze confirms, adding that she could probably place a heavier guard there, too. Knuckles realizes that even with all of these precautions, she still does not want to leave her duty because of the fact that she would not be there to solve anything that goes wrong.

This leads him to advise her to take a vacation, which she is initially unsure of. Knuckles explains that he cannot hide the Master Emerald anywhere more secure since it must remain on Angel Island at all times, and that due to this, he is always taking a gamble whenever he leaves for the greater good. He tells Blaze that her situation is a gift and that she should not waste it. Blaze fondly recalls the time she was able to spend around the others, and thanks Knuckles for his insight. She offers to repay him by monitoring his island and allowing him some time off, but he declines, stating that he does not like sharing his burdens with others either. Blaze concedes and uses her powers to return home to make preparations. At the Shrine of the Jeweled Scepter on Coral Cave Island, Gardon reports that patrol ships will surround the island at all times and that the guard has been tripled, with only Blaze and Marine being allowed access to the chamber. Marine begins to tear up and tells Blaze that while she is glad to see her treating herself right, she will also miss her when she leaves, and embraces her. Blaze, sharing the sentiment, tells Marine she can still come with her, but the raccoon declines the offer, stating that she will be needed to watch over the ship and kingdom while Blaze is away, and that she will use the Jeweled Scepter to call Blaze home if trouble arises. She gives Blaze another hug before the two bid farewell to each other.

Blaze once again travels to Sonic's world, this time arriving in Floral Forest Village. She finds Amy, Sonic, Cream, and Cheese sitting at a table, the former of whom is telling the others about how she stopped the forest fire that occurred in Forest Ridge Zone Campground, and greets them. Cream happily embraces her, asking what the occasion is, to which Blaze answers that she is just taking a vacation. Sonic states that is a good enough reason to celebrate and invites her to sit and relax with them as Vanilla brings more refreshments.




Races and species:






  • Blaze mentions how Sonic encouraged her to trust and seek help from others, which is what happened in Sonic Rush.
  • Mini is referred to as "Min". Whether this was a mistake or a deliberate name change is unknown.



Inside Tails' Workshop, Tails and Belle have finished repairing Omega, who is pleased with his new body and thanks Tails. Tails suggests for the robot to go for a "test-drive" by sparring with Gemerl. Omega accepts this suggestion, but says that he cannot guarantee Gemerl's welfare after completing the test. Gemerl replies that while he is designed as a learning robot, he is also capable of teaching Omega a lesson.

They begin fighting in the forest outside the workshop, where Gemerl dodges Omega's attacks and fires missiles at him. However, Omega emerges from the explosion unharmed and unleashes his own attacks, stating that Gemerl is a babysitter while he is the ultimate E-Series robot. As Gemerl activates his shield, Omega recalls his data files stating that Gemerl once fought Sonic to a standstill while serving as Dr. Eggman's enforcer, but that Gemerl's strength does not match up to Omega's expectations. As he breaks through the shield and knocks Gemerl away, Omega assumes that he has grown weak from spending time caring over Cream and instead offers the smaller robot to join him. Omega explains that they are both similar in origin, being weapons that broke free of Eggman's grasp, and attempts to convince Gemerl to accompany him in destroying Eggman's forces rather than living with Cream and Vanilla. Gemerl immediately rejects and uses a sweep kick to trip Omega before grabbing him and throwing him a short distance away. Gemerl states that their directives are not aligned despite any similarities in their origins, and that he was built to evolve whereas Omega was built to destroy. He adds that his function has changed, preventing his past from informing his present objectives, and that his place is beside Cream and Vanilla rather than on the battlefield. Without another word, the two robots charge at each other and finish their battle.

Later, they return to the workshop badly damaged and in need of repairs once again, much to Tails' chagrin as he had only asked them to spar. Omega acknowledges Gemerl's lethality and decides to accept his modus operandi, which Gemerl reciprocates as the two share a fist bump.



Races and species:



  • This story takes place shortly after the events of Sonic the Hedgehog #36, "Chao Races and Badnik Bases, Part 4".


  • Omega acknowledges the fact that Gemerl once fought Sonic to a standstill and later defected from Dr. Eggman, which is a reference to the events of Sonic Advance 3.
  • Omega recalls defecting from Eggman and deciding to destroy all of his forces as revenge, which is in reference to the events of Sonic Heroes.

Hero Camp[]


Vanilla arrives with her daughter Cream at Hero Camp to drop her off, where members of the Sonic Fan Club are already there, playfully arguing over who will do what better during the camp. Vanilla notices the pamphlet makes the location look better than it really is. Inside the run down building, Orbot and Cubot look out the window. They review their plan to gather information about the Restoration from the kids by disguising as camp instructors in order to be praised by Dr. Eggman. They put on their disguises and exit the building, welcoming the kid campers. Orbot shuts Cubot up before he blows their cover and introduces themselves as Orville and Cubert, an expert in hero-ing. One of the campers ask if they know Sonic, and Cubot deflects the question by rhetorically asking what they know about Sonic. Cubot then announces they are doing a knowledge test to the delight of the campers.

This knowledge test consists of the campers having their hands tied behind their back in a complex knot. One camper asks why aren't they the ones tying the knots. Cubot responds by saying they get to test their knot and nearly mentions they want to tie Sonic with it. Cream is able to untie herself by using a scrap of wood to cut the rope. She explains to Orbot and Cubot Sonic told her he uses his spines to cut through rope, which Cubot makes a note of. The next challenge has the campers build a hideout resembling the Restoration HQ, but the campers build a tree house instead. Cubot complains about it not having walls, causing one of the campers to say it would if they helped them. Cubot reasons the campers can not learn to be heroes if he does everything. Cubot then probes Cream for how the Restoration HQ looks like. He asks for specifics about it operations, but Cream only mentions its leisure amenities such as the mall and chili dog stand. Orbot yells out that they need to start over and Cubot pulls a rope that tumbles the treehouse with the campers still on it.

Later that night, the campers sit around the campfire, tired from the counselor's challenges. Cubot then asks the group to tell a scary story that can scare a hero, with Orbot suggesting a new Badnik in the story. One of the campers suggests they make s'mores while holding a box of crackers and a bag of marshmallows. Cubot asks what a s'more is, to the shock of the campers. Cream yells at Orbot and Cubot, saying they aren't real camp leaders. The campers then rushes to Orbot and Cubot, with their disguises falling off as they cower in terror. Sometime later, Vanilla arrives back to Hero Camp to pick up Cream and asks if they had a good time. Cream says yes and the main thing they learned is they are already heroes. Meanwhile, Orbot and Cubot are tied up in the building with Cubot saying they taught them too well.



Races and species:



Future Growth[]


In the Emeraldville Ruins, members of the Restoration are harvesting in the garden outside the secret entrance to Restoration HQ. Silver, however, does not look enthusiastic about it. Sonic asks if he's done picking tomatoes, which catches Silver off guard and he crushes a tomato in his hand. He tells Sonic his basket is ready to be taken and Amy chimes in and says hers is as well. Sonic then runs off with the basket and Amy tells Silver's she's happy he could come back in time for the harvest. Silver smiles and says that's exactly why he's here. Tangle then yells out she's digging up the potatoes while wielding three shovels. Amy runs off to help and Espio notices Silver's sad expression. As Amy grabs potatoes out of the air, Silver flies off into the forest to be alone. Just after he lands, Espio removes his camouflage and greets him.

Espio says Silver is troubled, but Silver denies it and says he is on a mission. Espio says he's bad at lying, and Silver admits it. Espio then asks if he is concealing any sort of danger he should let him know. Silver then confesses he doesn't know why he returned to the past. Espio rhetorically asks if anyone knows why they're here and Silver says he usually does. He elaborates that every time he has gone to the past it was to save the future from disaster. Silver sees it as his identity, but this time the future and past are fine, but he isn't. Silver starts to panic, thinking he did something wrong. Espio tells him to take a deep breath and they take one together. Espio sits down and explains as a ninja his first priority is a successful mission, but as a friend, he cares about the safety of his team. If he worries about his friends getting hurt too much, he could lose before his enemies even fight him. Silver asks how he fights his fears, and Espio says hes faith in himself and the strengths of his friends. He tells Silver it's OK he doesn't know why he is here; all that matters is he's where he needs to be and his friends will stand by his side. He tells Silver to go back to the garden and enjoy the fruits of his labor.

Silver looks confident and says he's still scared, but not alone. He says his friends make him feel he can do anything and he thanks Espio with a hug, which Espio is surprised by. Someone yells out to Espio, saying Charmy is causing trouble. Espio and Silver walk back to help, with Espio looking worried about what he has to deal with.






Another Grand Adventure for Jet the Hawk[]


Jet is in his room aboard his blimp making a calzone in the microwave. He reads a birthday card from his dad on his desk. The microwave dings and Jet turns to get it, but a Cyan Wisp is holding his calzone instead. The Wisp flies off and Jet yells at it. The Wisp turns out to be Whisper's as it flies to her as her other Wisps play cards. Whisper thanks the Wisp for the calzone and takes a bite. She goes back to scoping out a Super Badnik, when Jet flies in on his Type-J and yells at them. Jet says the "squid" stole from him and she will make it up to him. Whisper stands up and and confusingly asks if she will. Jet says again she will and says they wasted his time chasing his lunch instead of hunting for jems. He says she owes him jems and a calzone, but the Cyan Wisp gives him a banana instead, which Jet doesn't want.

Whisper tells Jet to be quiet while the Badnik is around, but Jet slams the banana on the ground and yells he can't hear her over the sound of his tummy. The Super Badnik then grabs Jet and he yells to let him down. Jet then tells Whisper to use the Type-J to get him. Whisper tries to get on, but it flies up and she holds onto it for dear life. Jet yells at her to just stand on it and it will balance itself. He goes onto ramble about how he doesn't think the Extreme Gear is hard to use and keeps boasting about himself. Whisper tells him to stop talking as she balances and the Cyan Wisp gives her the Variable Wispon. Jet says some knowledge his dad told him, but Whisper yells back at him to be quiet and shoots the leg of the Super Badnik, causing it to fall into a trap with Jet still in its hand. Jet is impressed by Whisper's skills and says she would make a great Babylon Rogue with proper training. Whisper walks away, leaving the Type-J behind, and says she's busy. Jet can't hear her and asks her to speak up. The Cyan Wisp then returns the now-bitten calzone to Jet, but Jet says it still owes him a fresh one.



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  • Cans of Chaos Cola and Chaos Soda can be seen on page twenty-nine, which is based on the in-universe drinks that have been advertised in Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2.
  • On page twenty-nine and thirty in Jet's room, there is a poster that imitates the cover of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 with Jet on it.
  • According to writer Ian Mutchler, he wrote the story with the intention that Whisper was assigned a mission while other Restoration members were busy tackling other assignments, as Whisper prefers to work alone.[4]

Rough Patch[]


In a condemned building in Spiral Hill Village, Rough and Tumble are having an argument. Tumble says their rhymes during their intro are slant rhymes and they need to improve them. Rough doesn't see it as an issue and tries to focus on their next plan. Tumble refuses to hear Rough's plan if he keeps using "dumb" rhymes. Insulted, Rough challenges Tumble to make a plan if he thinks his are dumb. Tumble yells in Rough's face and says he might and do it without him. Rough yells back for him to go ahead and tries to rhyme while saying he is better at it. Tumble gets out of his face and leaves, saying that was a slant rhyme before he goes. Enraged, Rough yells at him to leave.

Later that night, Rough and Tumble break into the Mineral Museum to steal a Chaos Emerald, each with a new partner. Rouge is with Tumble, and Rough is with Tangle. The two skunks rhyme as they break in, when they run into each other as they're about to snatch the emerald. Both of them yell asking why they're doing here and why they brought a lady friend. Tangle bumps Rough, calling him her partner, and tells him they are here to protect the Emerald from the other two ruffians by taking it themselves. Lying through his teeth, Rough agrees. Catching on, Rouge tells Tumble the other two must have followed them to stop them from taking the Emerald. Shocked, Tumble goes at Rough and Tangle to fight them and Tangle pushes Rough to fight Tumble.

As the skunks fight, Rouge talks to Tangle, saying she's surprised to see her at a jewel heist. Tangle says she is babysitting the place and quietly asks if she is undercover too. Rouge slightly agrees and Tangle asks how she teamed up with Tumble. Rouge explains she was in the area when Tumble waved her down and laid out his plan to her. In a flashback, Tumble explains the plan and Rouge agrees, saying she wanted to steal the Emerald before Eggman did. Rouge says she was surprised by his competence and asks Tangle how she teamed up with Rough. Tangle says she wasn't as surprised and says Rough tried to justify his plan as vigilante work. A flashback shows Rough pulling on Tangle's leg, begging for her help. Rouge is still surprised Tangle broke into her friend's museum, but Tangle says she comes through the skylight and takes a gem in impromptu-adventures all the time. Rouge then asks if Tangle wants to help arrest Rough and Tumble, and she excitingly agrees to it.

During their fight, Tumble asks if turning good to stop him was a part of his plan. While pulling Tumble's face, Rough says he didn't know he would be here and he lied to Tangle so he had someone to team up with. While putting him in a headlock, Tumble realizes Rough was trying to steal the Emerald. After pinning Tumble down, Rough realizes they were doing the same plan. They look at each other with tears in their eyes, then hug and start crying. They both apologize for fighting and agree to team up again, rhyming while doing so. Tangle and Rouge then announce they're going to stop them, while also rhyming. Rough asks why everybody keeps copying their rhyme intros and then gets punched in the face by Tangle's tail, along with Tumble. Tangle wraps them up in her tail and then turns to see the Emerald is gone from its case. She looks up to see Rouge flying away with it. Rouge apologizes for leaving her, but says stealing is who she is. Tangle looks sad for being tricked as Rough and Tumble agree to never team up with anyone else again.




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Other features[]

  • Sonic Letters Squad: Sonic Letters Squad is a section where the comic staff can post fan artwork and fan letters that have been sent in to them.
  • Sonic the Hedgehog Reading Guide: A two-page spread showing all the trade paperback collections of the series and what order they should be read in.


Knuckles: The Master Emerald can't leave the island, so I can't hide it anywhere that's more secure. I'm on my own up here, and any time I do leave for the greater good...I'm always taking a gamble. The situation you're in right now? It's a gift. Don't squander it.
Blaze: Marine? Are you alright?
Marine: Yeah--nah--yeah...I'm really happy you're treatin' yourself right...but I'm gonna miss you so much! (hugs Blaze)
Blaze: I'll miss you, too. Although it's not too late to change your mind...
Marine: (stands confidently) No can do! You need someone as fearless and competent as me to watch the ship while you're away! And by "ship" I mean...everything...
E-123 Omega: Pathetic. Your quaint artillery is no match for my reinforced armor. You are a babysitter. I am the ultimate E-Series robot.
Gemerl: My function has changed. My past does not inform my present objectives. My place is beside Cream and Vanilla. Not on the battlefield.
Cream: That's it! You don't know how to tie knots, build hideouts, or make s'mores?! You're no camp leaders! GET 'EM!
Espio: Hello, Silver. You are troubled.
Silver: Troubled? No way, Espio! Y-you know me, always on a mission! Important future-y person things to do..
Espio: You're also bad at lying.
Silver: (facepalms) I know.
Silver: So How do you fight it? The fear, I mean.
Espio: My technique is simply to have faith. In yourself, and the strength of your friends. You may not know why you are here now, but that doesn't matter. You are where you need to be. And if there's trouble, there are quite a few people back there that are ready to stand with you. So go back to the garden and let yourself enjoy the fruits of your labor. You deserve that much.
Jet: I personally don't know how hard it is to use Extreme Gear. I was born incredibly gifted.
Whisper: Stop talking.
Jet: A wise man once tole me, "with skill and confidence, you are as fierce as the wind."
Whisper: BE QUIET!
Rough: So my plans are dumb now, huh?! You try makin' one, then!
Tumble: Maybe I will! And maybe I'll do it without you!
Rough: Fine! I couldn't do better rhymin' if you were tryin' !
Tumble: That was a slant rhyme, bro.
Rough: JUST GET OUTTA HERE! If I never see your stinkin' face again-- --it'll be too soon!
Tumble: Did we have the same plan...bro?
Rough: Bro...
Tumble: (crying) Sorry, bro! We've fought enough!
Rough: (also crying) You're right! We sure did stumble...(they stop crying) but we've made up and now we're back!
Tumble: Get ready for...
Rough and Tumble: ROUGH & TUMBLE!


  • This issue was originally set for an release on 10 August 2022, but it later got moved to 17 August 2022.
  • On cover A, Cream's swimsuit and sandals look identical to the swimsuit and sandals she wore in Sonic X.
    • Additionally, the bracelet Cream can be seen giving Blaze is based on the one Amy gives Sonic in the episode "The Last Resort" from Sonic X.
  • Cover B features multiple references and Easter eggs through the graffiti on the wall:
    • There is an exaggerated drawing of Dr. Eggman with text pointing to it calling him "Big Meanie". This is in reference to the SpongeBob SquarePants episode, "New Student Starfish", where Patrick draws a similar exaggerated picture of Mrs. Puff with text on it that says "Big Fat Meanie".
    • Graffiti of Sanic can be seen.
    • Graffiti of the text "GOT RING" can be seen. This is in reference to the "got ring?" blimp from Radical Highway in Sonic Adventure 2, which in turn was a reference to the got milk? advertising campaign.
    • Graffiti of the Speed Type, Power Type, and Fly Type symbols from Sonic Heroes can be seen.
    • Graffiti of the text "HEXAno!" can be seen on the wall. This is in reference to HEXAeco from Sonic Heroes.
    • Graffiti of Froggy can be seen.
    • Partially-blocked graffiti of the text "WHERE IS THAT DAMN FOURTH EMERALD" can be seen under Rough's arm. This is in reference to Shadow's infamous line of "Where's that damn FOURTH Chaos Emerald!" from Shadow the Hedgehog.
    • Graffiti of the text "CONCEPT OF LOVE" can be seen on the wall. This is in reference to the song "The Concept of Love" from the Sega game Jet Set Radio, a game known for its characters spraying graffiti around their city.
    • Graffiti of a Cannon can be seen.
    • Graffiti of a Penguin can be seen.
    • Graffiti of Charmy's badge can be seen.
    • Graffiti in the style of the "Perfect! 2000" point bonus text from Sonic Adventure 2 can be seen.
    • Graffiti of a Bumper can be seen.
    • Graffiti of the word "Chickamonk" can be seen. This is a reference to how Chao were originally suggested to be named "Chicka Monkeys" during development of Sonic Adventure.
    • Graffiti of a Chao can be seen.
    • Graffiti of a Boo can be seen.
    • Graffiti of the "9" Bingo chip from Sonic Heroes can be seen.
    • Graffiti of Omochao holding a flashlight similar to what he does when the player enters the cave for the Chao Race in Sonic Adventure 2 can be seen on the right side wall, with text under it saying "OMOCHAO is WATCHING". The text is in reference to the phrase "Big Brother is watching" from Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell.
    • Graffiti of Omega's symbol can be seen.
    • Graffiti of the name "Ashura" can be seen, which is a well-known glitch from Sonic the Hedgehog 2.
    • Graffiti of the Black Market shopkeeper and their Half Fish can be seen.
    • Graffiti of the MeteorTech logo can be seen.
    • Graffiti of a Crewmate from Among Us, designed after Sonic, can be seen on the wall.
    • Graffiti of the text "MAKE AN ANNOUNCEMENT" can be seen on the wall. This is based on dialogue from the YouTube video "Sonic Adventure 2 (Dark Story + Final Story) | Real-Time Fandub Games" by SnapCube, where in the scene that the moon is blown up, Eggman has an angry rant about Shadow.
    • Graffiti of Tails' shocked expression from the ninth panel of the first page of the webcomic, Tails Gets Trolled, can be seen on the right side wall.
    • The text "LOOK AT ALL THOSE EGGMAN'S ROBOTS" can be seen, which is one of Tails' in-game quotes from Sonic Heroes.


Cover artwork[]


Interior page artwork[]


Preview pages[]



  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 SONIC THE HEDGEHOG ANNUAL 2022 CVR A SONIC TEAM. Previews World (20 May 2022). Retrieved on 20 May 2022.
  2. ↑ SONIC THE HEDGEHOG ANNUAL 2022 CVR B REGGIE GRAHAM. Previews World (20 May 2022). Retrieved on 20 May 2022.
  3. ↑ SONIC THE HEDGEHOG ANNUAL 2022 CVR C 10 COPY INCV. Previews World (20 May 2022). Retrieved on 20 May 2022.
  4. ↑ Ian Mutchler on Twitter. Twitter (7 September 2022). Retrieved on 7 September 2022.