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This object exists primarily or exclusively within the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog continuity.
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Whoever has that ring you’re wearing can unlock the secret of ultimate velocity!

Santa Claus, Sonic Christmas Blast

The Ring of Ultimate Velocity is an object that appears in the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog television series. It is a magical artifact that grants the wearer incredible speed—apparently even faster than what one can noemally achieve—once three challenges are met. The ring's origins are unknown.


Powers and traits[]

After completing the three tasks previously deemed impossible, the Ring of Ultimate Velocity gives its wearer the ability to move at incredible speeds. This power, along with Sonic's own inherent speed, allows him to move many times faster than he already could. It allowed Sonic to move fast enough to take all of Robotnik's stolen presents and Christmas decorations and give them to everyone on Mobius in just a few minutes, a job which Santa Claus claims would not even be halfway done by the Fourth of July had he used his regular speed.[1]


The Ring of Ultimate Velocity was given to Sonic as a Christmas present from Sally, although the ring's true purpose remained unknown. Santa Claus would later tell Sonic about what the ring was for, since he recognized the design on the ring from the pictograms in the ice cave cell he was imprisoned in. He also deciphered that there were three impossible challenges that needed to be met so that the ring's power could be used.

These challenges are as follows:

While the third challenge was not directly mentioned, Sonic found a paraglider seemingly waiting for him while snowboarding. Sonic grabbed it and ditched his snowboard which, then fell on Scratch and Grounder, who had been trying to prevent him from finishing the tasks.

After paragliding, Sonic landed on a bike where he went past further dangers, including jumping icy water, going over a collapsing path, avoiding glaciers crushing him, and an ice tunnel which he jumped and ran over landing back on his bike.

After a bumpy ride, Sonic continued into the water before crashing into a polar bear. Sonic biked the way back to Santa's workshop.


  • Sonic does tire from running across all of Mobius at great speeds. In "Lovesick Sonic", Breezie had Sonic run across Mobius to fetch gifts for her until he was tired, and in the episode "Mass Transit Trouble" Sonic was exhausted from having to run from three most distant points of Mobius in a matter of seconds. However, with the Ring of Ultimate Velocity, Sonic is able to run circles around the whole planet of Mobius at greater speeds without exhaustion, able to take back all the stolen gifts from Robotnik's fortress and deliver them all over Mobius in almost no time at all.


  1. Shelly, Bruce; Shelly, Reed (24 November 1996). "Sonic Christmas Blast". Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. USA Network.