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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone
Archie Comics Logo
This character exists primarily or exclusively within the Post-Super Genesis Wave continuity.
Information in this article may not be canonical to the storyline of the games or any other Sonic continuity.

Master Moss is really smart, Sonic! He taught Mighty control, and me to be, well...
More proactive.
Haha...I'm working on it.

— Ray the Flying Squirrel and Moss the Sloth, Sonic the Hedgehog #266

Ray the Flying Squirrel is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. He is a mobian flying squirrel and Mighty the Armadillo's best friend and fellow adventurer.


Ray is a yellow-furred mobian flying squirrel with a dark tan muzzle, inner ears and circular front torso. He has blue eyes, a tapered hair tuft at the top of his head, perky triangular ears, a shiny, bulbous black nose, a long bushy tail, and patagium or flight flaps, which he can extend from his chest to his arms. His attire consists of a blue scarf, flight goggles with light blue lenses, gray frames and blue straps, white gloves with blue cuffs, and blue shoes with white cuffs/socks, and gray soles. Each of his shoes also has two white straps that do not reach the soles.




Ray as the Shattered World Crisis unfolded, from Sonic the Hedgehog #264.

Ray and his friend Mighty first encountered the Freedom Fighters in the form of Sonic the Hedgehog, whom they joined forces with to battle Dr. Eggman.[2] Ray also made the acquaintance of Knuckles the Echidna and the Chaotix, old allies of Mighty's, and was trusted enough that Knuckles would have trusted him and Mighty with guarding the Master Emerald.[3] However, the duo were far away from Angel Island when the Shattered World Crisis occurred, and did their best to help those caught up in the disaster. At some point, the pair met Moss the Sloth, who mentored Mighty and taught him to master his great temper and incredible powers.[4]

Shattered World Crisis[]

Note: From the readers point of view, this picks up from where Ray's original timeline ended.
Ray saves Sonic

Ray saving Sonic, from Sonic the Hedgehog #264.

While staying in the Rocky Jungle Zone with Moss, Mighty and Ray became aware of the activities of the Soumerca Egg Army under the leadership of Thunderbolt. Unable to take them on alone, the pair were surprised when a trio of friends arrived: Sonic, Sally Acorn, and Amy Rose. Saving Sonic from E-113 Xi, the pair got reacquainted with their old friend and the girls. They introduced the trio to Moss, who sensed a darkness within Sonic. After Sonic brushed off his friends' concerns, Amy used the Mystic Melody and sensed that the Chaos Emerald they were searching for was to the south. Realizing that the Egg Army base lay in that direction, Mighty and Ray joined up with the trio and infiltrated the base. However, when they arrived at the Chaos Emerald's container, Thunderbolt and her minions attacked with electrical weapons. The sight of other Ray and his other friends being shocked got to Sonic, whose own electrocution helped trigger his change into the Sonic the Werehog.[4]

While the Werehog rampaged through the Egg Army ranks, Mighty had Ray help the female Freedom Fighters recover the Chaos Emerald while he went after Sonic. The trio succeeded, and later rendezvoused with Mighty, with Sally and Amy helping talk down the raging Werehog. Sonic returned to his normal form at daybreak, but decided to join Mighty and Ray as Moss' student until he could control his Werehog form.[5] Ray did his best to help Moss tutor Sonic, and wholeheartedly embraced his idea for Mighty leading a team of Freedom Fighters. Ray volunteered himself to join, and an approving Moss suggested that others of his former students might also benefit from fighting Eggman's forces alongside the armadillo.[6] Sonic soon learned to accept his Werehog side, and Ray and Mighty teamed up with their transformed friend to battle a Flying Dynamo sent against them by Thunderbolt. His training complete, Sonic then left to rejoin the Freedom Fighters aboard the Sky Patrol.[7]

Ray soon helped Knuckles the Echidna and Amy Rose recover two of the Master Emerald shards from Thunderbolt, distracting her forces while Mighty and Knuckles recovered the two shards.[8][9] Ray soon watched Sonic and Sally's broadcast, and decided to aid them in keeping the Egg Army at bay while the Freedom Fighters restored the planet.[10]


While Ray himself might not be the most powerful fighter, he is still eager to help others.

Powers and abilities[]

Ray's primarily ability is his flight, during which he is capable of carrying at least one mobian of average size.


Mighty the Armadillo[]

Mighty and Ray (Archie)

Ray and Mighty, from Sonic the Hedgehog #282.

Mighty the Armadillo is the faithful best friend and ally to Ray, due to often believing in his powerful friend when Mighty doubts himself.




  • Ray's first and only appearance as a playable character at the time of this character’s involvement with the Archie comics was in the 1993 arcade game SegaSonic the Hedgehog, making him one of the most obscure Sega characters to be featured in the comics. However, five months after the Archie Comics discontinued, the Sonic Mania Plus DLC for Sonic Mania was released, featuring a redesign for Ray with a color scheme closely resembling that of his Archie comic design.
  • Ray's redesign was done by Archie Comics artist/writer Aleah Baker following common criticism that his previous design strayed too far from his original. This redesign was carried over from his pre-Super Genesis Wave counterpart.[11]

See also[]


  1. Aleah Baker (7 February 2016). Lea's Unimportant Farewell to BK Q&A!. BumbleKing Comics. Archived from the original on 8 February 2016.
  2. SegaSonic the Hedgehog
  3. Sonic Universe #63, "The Great Chaos Caper Part One: On the Hunt"
  4. 4.0 4.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #264, "Control Part One: Breaking Point"
  5. Sonic the Hedgehog #265, "Control Part Two: Unleashed!"
  6. Sonic the Hedgehog #266, "Ambushed! Part One"
  7. Sonic the Hedgehog #267, "Ambushed! Part Two"
  8. Sonic the Hedgehog #281, "Homesick"
  9. Sonic the Hedgehog #282, "Shards and Sparks"
  10. Sonic the Hedgehog #283, "The Mission"
  11. Baker, Leah (24 January 2013). Ray the Flying Squirrel - Jitters concept. DeviantArt. "Most of the thinking that went into this was in response to common complaints regarding poor Ray's previous design. With that stuff in mind, I got rid of the jacket, brought back his wing-flaps (so he no longer just defies gravity through apparent sheer force of will), made his bangs closer to his original SegaSonic design (so he looks less like Tails) and make his muzzle/tummy/ears darker as they were in his original look (personally, I think the stronger contrast on the yellow just looks better on him)."

External links[]

Template:Post-SGW characters
