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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone

Market Harbor Zone[1] is a location that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by IDW Publishing. It is a harbor-inspired Zone that is located on Earth.


As indicated by its name, it is a harbor with several small houses around it and a shop where goods and services stored in wooden crates are shipped. It is built on two levels: the lower is built on a concrete pier with three buildings and wooden piers where boats can moor. This level is connected to the upper one with a ramp that allows to reach the other buildings on the cliff.


Amy's 30th Anniversary Special[]

After Amy freed Ray from a Capsule and teamed up with him, the two of them reached Market Harbor Zone figuring their next meeting would've been someone heroic and strong, according to the Fortune Cards. There, the blue Flicky offers himself to open the capsule, freeing Bark without being sighted by the Eggrobos and the yellow bear destroys them with the aid of Amy, Ray and the Flicky. Amy then purposes Bark to team up with them and the foursome sets off aboard a Jawz-shaped boat to Eggman Island Zone. Later, Metal Sonic would stumble across the destroyed Egg Robos and an empty capsule. He then analyzes the place where the transport the three have stolen. Infuritated, Metal Sonic flies towards where Amy and the rest are to search and hunt them down.[1]

