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This article is about a real-life person.
Information in this article is about real-life people, companies, and objects, which do not relate to the in-universe Sonic series.

Jane Ballard was a British staff member at Fleetway Editions who has contributed to the Sonic the Comic series.


Her first apparent job being at Promotions, Ballard was credited on-and-off at that position since Sonic the Comic 138 until the comics focused fully on fully-reprint issues. From then on, Ballard became the marketing assistant for the comic, retaining this role right until the very last issue.

Following the cancelation of Sonic the Comic, Ballard has seemingly continued working for Egmont, working as Senior Promotions Buyer for Toxic and other Egmont publications.


Marketing assistant[]

Fleetway Editions[]

Product buyer[]

Fleetway Editions[]


Fleetway Editions[]

External links[]
