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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone
This character exists primarily or exclusively within the Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie continuity.
Information in this article may not be canonical to the storyline of the games or any other Sonic continuity.
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There is only one Sonic...

— Hyper Metal Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie

Hyper Metal Sonic (ハイパーメタルソニック Haipā Metaru Sonikku?), or just Metal (メタル Metaru?), is the secondary antagonist of Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie and serves as the primary villain for the second part of the film. He is a robot created by Dr. Robotnik in the image of the doctor's greatest adversary, Sonic the Hedgehog, for the purpose of defeating Sonic and destroying the Land of the Sky.

Besides sharing Sonic's appearance and abilities, Metal is infused with Sonic's life data (personality and memories) to be as formidable in battle as the real Sonic, making the robot a near-perfect duplicate of the blue blur. This however created a mind link between Metal and Sonic, allowing them to hear each other's thoughts. This also gave Metal traits of the real Sonic's personality and habits, which eventually led to him sacrificing himself to save the lives of the President and Old Man Owl.


Spoiler warning: Plot, ending details or any kind of information follow.

Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie[]

Welcome to Robotropolis[]


An inactive Hyper Metal Sonic.

Hyper Metal Sonic was created by Dr. Robotnik as his greatest creation in the city of Robotropolis. His purpose was to destroy the real Sonic and aid in the destruction of the Land of the Sky. After Metal Sonic's body was constructed, all Dr. Robotnik needed was to complete Metal's AI by infusing it with Sonic's life data to make it the ultimate fighting machine. However, he needed to download it straight from Sonic himself. Dr. Robotnik therefore formulated a plan where he would trick Sonic into coming to Robotropolis in order to shut down the dangerous Robot Generator, which in fact served as the device that would download Sonic's life data into Metal.

Sonic Vs. Metal Sonic!![]


Hyper Metal Sonic coming online.

Dr. Robotnik's plan eventually worked out perfectly and Metal sprung to life once the download was complete, before facing the real Sonic. Metal then briefly protected Dr. Robotnik as Sonic charged at him, prompting Sonic to challenge Metal to a battle in order to save Dr. Robotnik's hostage, Sara. Building up power, Metal faced Sonic in a high speed battle, and proved himself to be more than a match for the real Sonic, overwhelming him in both strength and speed. Metal's battle with Sonic eventually led to the outside of Robotropolis, where Metal defeated Sonic by knocking him off a mountain and believed him to be dead.

Metal subsequently followed Dr. Robotnik's orders and headed to the capital of South Island to destroy any resistance. Along the way, due to the influence of Sonic's memories and thoughts, Metal stopped by Sonic and Tails' home, where he met Old Man Owl and forced Sonic's favorite clothes on him, before continuing on.

Once on South Island, Metal began a destructive rampage throughout the city. By instructions from Dr. Robotnik, Metal then headed to a glacier which anchored the continents to the planet, and drilled a tunnel deep into this glacier, with the purpose of releasing a pocket of magma which would make the glacier melt and cause the continents to be hurled into the atmosphere.


Hyper Metal Sonic ready to face Sonic again.

After finishing its job, Metal saw Sonic coming and launched an unsuccessful surprise attack. Face to face, Metal announces (through beeps and buzzing) that there could not be two Sonics on this planet, and that one of them had to go. Sonic agreed, and he and Metal faced each other in a long and intense battle between two opponents of equal might. As they continued to clash, it became apparent to both Metal and Sonic that they could read each other's moves due to sharing the same thoughts, meaning neither of them could gain the upper hand. Their battle was temporarily interrupted by the untimely arrival of Dr. Robotnik and Sara, as they crashed into the Egg Mobile, but they soon after resumed their fight.

The battle between Metal and Sonic grew increasingly fiercer as the two of them literally tore apart the icy wasteland in the wake of their fight, with Metal hitting Sonic hard and vice versa, but they could still only fight to a stalemate. Eventually, however, Metal gained the upper hand when Sonic grew exhausted from their prolonged battle. As Metal held Sonic in a chokehold and prepared to finish him, Tails used his Navigator to overload Metal's system by assimilating Sonic's personality. While Metal malfunctioned, Sonic took the opportunity to land a direct hit with his Spin Dash, knocking Metal into the distance and inflicting major damage.

Metal returned soon after to prevent Sonic and Tails from saving the President and Old Man Owl from a crash landing in the President's personal ship. Sonic told Metal to move aside, but Metal ignored his pleas. After Dr. Robotnik prevented Tails from overloading Metal's system once again, Metal resumed his fight with Sonic. As their fight continued however, Metal's damage became increasingly more extensive, and Metal found himself overwhelmed by Sonic and crashed into the windshield of the President's ship. As the ship was about to explode however, Sonic's personality overtook Metal's programming and Metal saved the President and Old Man Owl.


Hyper Metal Sonic's final moments.

After saving them, Metal started to malfunction again, which caused him to be knocked into a lava pit by falling debris. Heavily damaged and nearly unable to move, Metal saw Sonic trying to rescue him, and began crawling towards him. To Sonic's surprise, however, Metal refused Sonic's rescue and announced to him that "There is only one Sonic...", as Metal now realized that Sonic was the only one of them that could remain. Accepting his fate, Metal allowed the rising lava to consume him and melt him down to slag.

Movie spoilers end here.

Powers and abilities[]

Hyper Metal Sonic was an incredibly powerful robot, being able to create city-wide destruction alone and match Sonic perfectly in combat, although Metal's superior stamina allowed him to ultimately best Sonic in both their confrontations. Dr. Robotnik himself also proclaimed that Metal was a far greater threat than the extremely powerful Metal Robotnik mech. Metal possessed a powerful engine on his back that allowed him to fly and hover, as well as move at speeds matching and even surpassing Sonic's. He also had matching lightning-fast reflexes and acrobatic skills, easily keeping up with and reacting to both Sonic's high-speed movements and incoming obstacles.

Metal was capable of forming a transparent energy shield around himself and those close to him. This shield provided Metal enough protection to smash through solid surfaces without harm and burrow through the ground without slowing down.

Metal had a superhuman level of strength, enough to knock Sonic unconscious with a single hit and break off an entire mountain top when clashing with Sonic. He also had immense durability and endurance: he could take several direct hits from Sonic with only limited harm, withstand an explosion, and even operate after taking heavy damage and having several limbs torn off.


Dr. Robotnik[]

Sonic the Hedgehog[]

Miles "Tails" Prower[]

Knuckles the Echidna[]


Old Man Owl[]




  • The term "Hyper" is not associated with speed by default, but rather high quantities of something, meaning that his name can be interpreted as actually something more along the lines of "A lot of Metal Sonic".

See also[]
