Dark Mobius - Epilogue[1] is a short story set in the pre-Super Genesis Wave Archie Sonic the Hedgehog canon. The story is divided into five parts, which were published on the now-defunct Sonic Universe blog and were written by Ian Flynn. The story serves as an epilogue to the Sonic Universe "Silver Saga" arc which ran from Sonic Universe #25 to #28, and as a companion to the other Dark Mobius blog stories.
The first part of the story was released on May 23, 2011, and the remaining four parts were published during the following four days, respectively.[1]
Part one[]
The first part's appearance on the now-defunct blog site.
- She looked upon the dark spire with trepidation.
- She had all the power in the world and that place still gave her the heebie-jeebies.
- This was where people disappeared, never to be seen again. This is where the prelates came from.
- The withered, wheezing old man next to her coughed.
- She refused to think of him as her father, not yet anyway.
- He had done too much to immediately forgive, and it was up to her to fix it all.
- For now, he was her only insight into what went behind closed doors for Enerjak.
- "How do we get in?" she asked.
- "There is no entrance," he wheezed. "You have the power now. You must will yourself inside."
- "So I have to want to go in? Great."
- She raised her hand to the obsidian wall and, with a moment's concentration, an emerald-shaped portal yawned open between the rocks.
Part two[]
The second part's appearance on the now-defunct blog site.
- "You lived here?" she asked.
- "Almost exclusively," the old man answered.
- Although the tower stretched into the sky, the room was claustrophobically small.
- At the far end of the round room sat a throne that seemed to be carved directly from the tower's stone.
- "If I held an audience here," the old man explained, "They bowed automatically. I thought it was funny." An eerie smile slowly crept across his face.
- She set her jaw and refused to comment. "Where is the rest of it? Where are all the others?"
- "Have a seat," he offered.
- She hesitated - was this a trap?
- Then again, with all his arrogance, would he have ever thought to booby-trap is own throne?
- She cautiously sat down and extended her will as she did to open the way in.
- Suddenly, the ceiling vanished and the entire endless height of the spire was revealed to her.
- On every inch of the curved, dark walls, hidden in every shadow, were all those who'd fallen to Enerjak.
Part three[]
The third part's appearance on the now-defunct blog site.
- There were so many victims.
- All of them preserved by the magic that had robbed them of their cores.
- All of them looking so sad and frightened.
- She surveyed the room and stopped on one man in particular. She'd never known him herself, but his evil was legendary.
- "Is this Dr. Eggman?"
- The old man smiled with grim satisfaction. "Oh yes. He got what was coming to him."
- "I'd heard you vaporized him."
- "I thought I had. And in a way, I did.
- I wasn't in complete control of my power back then. The doctor was the first time I took a core from someone.
- It took a great deal of experimentation to restore him to that form.
- Never did like his prelate form, though. That neon mustache was ridiculous."
- "But the bodies are all preserved?"
- "As far as I know. I never bothered to check after I collected them."
- "You never restored a core to someone?"
- "No."
- She frowned as she looked at all the prone forms around her. Where to begin? And how?
Part four[]
The fourth part's appearance on the now-defunct blog site.
- "So you plan to restore all the cores to their original bodies?" the old man asked.
- "Yes," she answered. Then murmured to herself: "If I can figure out how."
- "It's a dangerous prospect," he warned.
- "I didn't start collecting cores it until I had mastered the power of Enerjak. If you do it wrong, who knows what might happen? You could destroy the body, or the core, or both."
- A wan smile crossed his face. "I could coach you in how to use the power. However, something so complex needs to be taught by example. If you'd share your power with me, I could..."
- She silenced him with a baleful glare.
- He shrunk back into the tattered remains of his robes and armor.
- She felt a dark whisper in the back of her mind telling her to squash him and take the cores for herself.
- But she'd grown up in the misery that kind of thinking had produced. She would not perpetuate it.
- She had to restore the cores and heal the world quickly - before that whisper grew any louder.
Part five[]
The fifth part's appearance on the now-defunct blog site.
- "Who will you try to restore first?" the old man asked.
- "I don't know," she admitted.
- "Your mother, perhaps? Oh, no, you wouldn't want to risk botching it and losing her forever, would you?"
- She seethed, but he was right. She reluctantly nodded.
- "Then perhaps try Dr. Eggman, or Finitevus, or any of the other villains who plagued the world before I conquered it. They wouldn't be missed."
- "No," she said, "No more sacrifices. I'm not losing anyone else to this nightmare you created."
- The old man huffed. "You'll have to risk something eventually. It'd be a waste of immortality to just float there and stare at the walls."
- She turned to one man in particular. She had come to realize she never really knew him.
- As a child, she hated him on the principle that he fought with her mother. As she grew up, she had been confused by his heroism.
- In the end she came to understand he had given everything to try to protect everyone.
- "You would probably volunteer for this if you knew it could save the world," she said to the blank eyes. "I hope I'm right. I hope you can forgive me if I am wrong."
- She summoned up a core and offered it to the body.
- "Wake up, Remington. Please..."