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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone

The Eggnet's splash screen, from Sonic the Hedgehog #15.

The Eggnet is a subject that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a global communications network used by the Eggman Empire.


The Eggnet is the private global communication network designed and used by the Eggman Empire. It hosts all the information and data within Dr. Eggman's network, including the command lines for Eggman's Badnik armies. Almost all Eggman databases have access to the Eggnet. For routing all the data within this network, Eggnet hubs have been established, although only a few of them have been made.[1]

Because access to the Eggnet would allow someone to use or meddle with sensitive data in Eggman's files or even rewrite the command lines for Eggman's army and thus turn the entire Eggman Empire against Eggman, fail-safes have been established. This includes an adaptive firewall so advanced that even Tails had to spend most of his efforts just to stay undetected when trying to hack into the Eggnet. Even in some older bases, breaking into Eggnet can be difficult.[1][2]


The Fate of Dr. Eggman[]

While enacting his takeover of Angel Island, Neo Metal Sonic posted a major update regarding his plans on the Eggnet. He did not bother hiding the plans. Sonic the Hedgehog and Silver the Hedgehog later managed to infiltrate one of Eggman's bases and access the Eggnet. There, they discovered Neo Metal Sonic's plans, prompting them to mobilize the Resistance.[3]


While working on his plans for his Metal Virus, Dr. Eggman would put his files out on the Eggnet. Some time after, Sonic and Amy managed to successfully log onto the Eggnet from the Echo Mine's computer, their plan being to find out what they could about Eggman's latest plan. Dr. Starline discovered the break-in and informed Eggman about it. Just as Amy found files on an ARK-like ship and talk about "payload distribution" however, Rough and Tumble arrived and destroyed the computer with a tank.[4]

The Last Minute[]

Eventually, while Zor was browsing on the Eggnet, due to Dr. Eggman's Metal Virus scheme, the Eggnet was in "chaos".[5]

Out of the Blue[]

Gemerl later detected an Eggnet signal from the debris of the Faceship and found Orbot and Cubot there.[6]

Bad Guys[]

As a part of Dr. Starline's master plan, Starline planned for his group of temporary allies—Zavok, Mimic, Rough the Skunk, and Tumble the Skunk—to take over one of the Eggnet's hubs, thereby giving them access to all of Eggman's information. Once on it, Starline could assign Egg Base Sigma to himself and delete it from the database.[1][7] When they finally achieved that objective, Starline used an algorithm he had designed to break through the Eggnet's firewall from the hub's central computer. From there, he fed Dr. Eggman false information about their intrusion on the hub and ordered the Badniks in the region to defend them. However, after Starline found Egg Base Sigma on the Eggnet, his allies turned on him. Mimic then forced Starline to delete his files on the Eggnet while Zavok made Starline put all the Badniks in the region under his command.[8] When Zavok, Rough and Tumble went looking for Starline, Mimic sent an update out on the Eggnet to lure Eggman to the hub to get rid of his former allies. Sometime later, Starline returned to the computer while it was left unguarded. From there, he removed Egg Base Sigma from the Eggnet and assigned control of it to him. When Eggman later arrived at the Eggnet hub, the hub was reduced to rubble by Eggman and his Badnik squadron during a battle between him and Zavok, who was using the hub's defenses against Eggman.[7]

Chao Races and Badnik Bases[]

When infiltrating one of Dr. Eggman's abandoned bases, Tails tried to hack the Eggnet in order to get the cipher for Eggman's blueprints on Omega. However, the Eggnet's adaptive firewall proved tricky to hack. In the end, the Eggnet caught up to Tails while he was distracted and triggered the base's alarm.[2][9]

Zeti Hunt![]

In an effort to find the other members of the Deadly Six, Zavok used an Egg Knight to connect to the Eggnet, which he used to find the nearest place where he expected to find a member of his pack.[10]

Imposter Syndrome[]

For Dr. Starline's test of his override program in Egg Base Alpha, Kit would disable the base's communications tower, effectively cutting all of the base's outgoing messages off from the Eggnet.[11] When he later seized control of the Eggman Empire, Starline had his personal override code transferred through the Eggnet in order to assemble the world's Badniks in Eggperial City for a trap for Sonic and Tails.[12]

Battle for the Empire[]

After Belle repaired a damaged Metal Sonic, the latter was able to access the Eggnet and use it to pinpoint Dr. Eggman's exact location in Eggperial City.[13]

Sonic Frontiers[]

In Sonic Frontiers, the Eggnet is mentioned by Dr. Eggman. After receiving an update from Sage on the status of his Cyber Space imprisonment, Eggman offers Sage to have control over the Eggnet once the two escape. During an Egg Memo, Eggman also mentions himself discovering data from the Eggnet inside Cyber Space.

In other media[]

Archie Comics[]

In the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics, the Eggnet was a global communications network used by the Eggman Empire in order to keep in touch with its various territories across Mobius. After the Super Genesis Wave rewrote history, the Eggnet became virtually indistinguishable from its game counterpart.


See also[]


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Sonic the Hedgehog: Bad Guys #2, "Smash & Grab"
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #34, "Chao Races and Badnik Bases, Part 2"
  3. ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #8, "Silent Support"
  4. ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #15, "Patient Zero"
  5. ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #21, "The Last Minute, Part 1"
  6. ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #30, "Cured, Part 1"
  7. ↑ 7.0 7.1 Sonic the Hedgehog: Bad Guys #4, "No Honor Among Thieves"
  8. ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog: Bad Guys #3, "Trust Issues"
  9. ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #33, "Chao Races and Badnik Bases, Part 1"
  10. ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #41, "Zeti Hunt, Part 1"
  11. ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog: Imposter Syndrome #2, story one
  12. ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog: Imposter Syndrome #4, story one
  13. ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #50, "Battle for the Empire"

External links[]
