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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone
Archie Comics Logo
This vehicle exists primarily or exclusively within the Pre-Super Genesis Wave continuity.
Information in this article may not be canonical to the storyline of the games or any other Sonic continuity.

The Egg Beater[1] is a vehicle that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. It was a battle suit created by Dr. Eggman designed to counter all of Sonic the Hedgehog's abilities. It was used during the successful attack on Knothole and later to attack New Mobotropolis. While originally it utterly defeated Sonic, the original suit was destroyed by the combined efforts of the Knothole Freedom Fighters and the Chaotix.



The Egg Beater was red, black, and chrome with a yellow metal mustache and spikes all over its body. It also had a star bumper shield and rocket launchers on its back. A checkered-ball-and-chain was placed on the back as well. The Egg Beater's design, like many of Eggman's creations, had a similar look to Eggman himself.

Powers and abilities[]

Teleportation Beam Emission by Egg Beater

The Egg Beater using its teleportation beam, from Sonic the Hedgehog #176.

The Egg Breaker's control pod could command the Egg Fleet and contact other commanders such as Snively. The robot was equipped with a shield that could deflect even Sonic's strongest attacks. It was also equipped with teleportation beams on the palms, shoulder mounted missile pods, wrist mounted laser blasters, and flight via boosters in the feet. Though not necessarily a part of the robot, a checker-wrecker-ball flail was also carried for medium range attacks. The Egg Beater also had super strength and combat capabilities able to defeat even Sonic the Hedgehog, being stated to be the most powerful Battle Armor made by Eggman to date, making it superior to Robotnik Prime's Eggs-O-Skeleton. The right hand of the original Egg Beater was also capable of being detached and used as an independent teleportation gauntlet.[2][3]


Despite its formidable power, the first Egg Beater's main weakness was that it was designed to defeat Sonic and only Sonic. During the rematch with the mech, Sonic realized this fact and let the combined forces of the Freedom Fighters and Chaotix tear the robot apart with ease.


Destruction of Knothole and aftermath[]


The Egg Beater's first design, from Sonic the Hedgehog #176.

Espio first saw the Egg Beater while spying on Dr. Eggman, but was captured before he could tell the Freedom Fighters.[2] Dr. Eggman used the robot to teleport all the citizens of Knothole to the Egg Grapes during his assault on the village. During his fight with Sonic, it was able to counter all of the hedgehog's attacks. The only damage Sonic did was by running across half the continent into the Egg Beater, leaving a dent in the shield.[3]

Doctor Eggman used the Eggbeater again to stop the captured Mobians from escaping New Megaopolis. Unbeknownst to him, the teleporter frequency on the suit was tampered with by Tails and NICOLE, sending people to the safety of New Mobotropolis.[4] Eggman tried to infiltrate the city in the suit, but the city's shield kept him out. The Freedom Fighters and the Chaotix went outside the shield and destroyed the robot, with Sonic dealing the final blow. Defeated, the doctor retreated back to New Megaopolis.[5]


When Snively later betrayed the Eggman Empire, Eggman went after him and found Snively, along with the Iron Queen. Snively controlled the Iron Oni and had chased Eggman through the Dragon Kingdom. Fortunately, Orbot and Cubot summoned the Egg Beater from the Egg 'Stache Flyer and Eggman went inside the machine. The machine was a remodeled version of the Egg Beater designed to defeat the Iron Oni. Eggman defeated Snively with it and locked him up in an Prison Egg.[6]


  • The Egg Beater originally not given a name in the comics, but writer Ian Flynn stated he and the rest of the staff called it the "Egg Beater" in a Q & A thread on his message board.[7]
  • This is the only robot Eggman has made that has defeated Sonic in the entire franchise.
  • The Egg Beater combines elements of several boss machines from the Sonic the Hedgehog video games; its wrecking ball is borrowed from the Egg Wrecker first seen in the original Sonic the Hedgehog, the missile barrage may be a reference to the Egg Scorcher Mk. III in Sonic the Hedgehog 3, while its shield and foot design both seem lifted from the EGG-HVC-001 of Sonic the Hedgehog CD. Its general form also resembles the Death Egg Robot in Sonic the Hedgehog 2.
  • The placement of the row of spikes on the original Egg Beater's head is similar to the placement of the spikes on the head of Metal Robotnik.
  • The head of the second Egg Beater bears a slight resemblance to an Egg SWAT's head with a mustache attached to it.


Concept artwork[]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Sonic Super Special Magazine #3, "Comic Feature: Cracking the Empire"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #174, "Union"
  3. 3.0 3.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #175, "Eggman Empire"
  4. Sonic the Hedgehog #176, "Cracking the Empire"
  5. Sonic the Hedgehog #177, "Home new Home"
  6. Sonic Universe #40, "Scrambled Part Four: In the Name of Love!"
  7. Ian Flynn (21 May 2007). Ask Ian vol. X: "In Soviet Mobius, Ian Asks YOU!". BumbleKing Comics. Archived from the original on 2 November 2015.

External links[]
