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This vehicle exists primarily or exclusively within the Post-Super Genesis Wave continuity.
Information in this article may not be canonical to the storyline of the games or any other Sonic continuity.

BWA HA HA HA! Welcome to my Death Egg, Sonic--and your doom!'s catchier than "Scrap Brain," I'll give you that much.

Dr. Eggman and Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog #289

The Death Egg is a vehicle that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. It is a massive battleship built by Dr. Eggman during his campaign to conquer the world. Several versions of the craft have existed, with the latest one serving as Eggman's mobile base.




The original Death Egg, from Sonic the Hedgehog #289.

Universally, the Death Egg is a massive, metallic space station that resembles Dr. Eggman's face, with concave eye-sockets, a sharp nose, and a mustache rendered in kilometers of vacuum-hardened plasma-steel. The original Death Egg was spherical in shape, but the incarnation that appeared during the Shattered World Crisis was egg-shaped, with an orange base also modeled after Eggman at the bottom.

Features and abilities[]

The latest incarnation of the Death Egg is equipped with advanced scanners and powerful communication equipment. It also has a protective force-field that surrounds the ship's hull and can produce powerful waves of energy that can bring down enemy aircrafts.[1] Once, it was also equipped with the "Final Egg Blaster", a weapon of mass destruction capable of destroying planets and entire clusters of stars.[2]



Original Death Egg Archie

The original Death Egg being built, from Sonic Super Digest #12.

The original Death Egg was built on Westside Island alongside Chemical Plant Zone following Drs. Robotnik and Snively's takeover of the Kingdom of Acorn, using resources from South Island.[3] The project was finished around the time Sonic liberated South Island from Robotnik, now known as "Eggman". The doctor then tried to get the seven Chaos Emeralds and harvest their energy to power his space station, but those efforts were decimated by Sonic and Tails. After the Death Egg was launched anyway, Snively escaped to the ship in the Egg Jet after Sonic defeated him onboard the Wing Fortress, unaware of the fact that the hedgehog had grabbed onto his vehicle, allowing him to break into the Death Egg himself. There, he defeated Silver Sonic and Eggman in the Egg Destroyer Battlesuit, triggering a chain-reaction that caused the whole station to explode and fall into orbit as Sonic escaped. Soon after, the Death Egg ended up crash-landing on Angel Island.[4][5] There, Eggman and Snively tricked the island's local guardian, Knuckles, into believing they were kind-hearted scientist intending to investigate the station. Meanwhile, they started repairing the Death Egg in Launch Base Zone, but progress was slowed down due to the construction of Carnival Night.[6][7]

However, after unspecified events, the Death Egg was active again during the Time Eater incident. Here, Eggman fought against Sonic using either the Egg Destroyer Battlesuit or Big Arms, but was defeated. Nonetheless, the hedgehog would slowly forget these events ever happened after the crisis was averted.[6][8][9]

Eventually, Eggman and Snively managed to launch the Death Egg yet again, only for Sonic and Tails to bring it down.[7] A second launch from Angel Island was accomplished using the Master Emerald as a power source, but Sonic once again brought the flying fortress down, this time for good.[3][10] Some time later, Eggman constructed a second version, this time building it around the Little Planet, but his plans were thwarted yet again by Sonic and Tails.[11]

Later on, at some point before discovering the Genesis Waves, Eggman built a new Death Egg and equipped it with the "Final Egg Blaster", a weapon of mass destruction he planned to use to subjugate the population of Sonic's World. There, he lured Emerl and managed to put him to his control, but the robot went rogue soon after and attempted to use the Final Egg Blaster to destroy the planet. Fortunately, in less than thirty seconds, Sonic was able to defeat Emerl, though this triggered a program in the latter that caused him to self-destruct himself.[2]

Countdown to Chaos[]

Note: From the readers' point of view, this picks up from where the Death Egg's original timeline ended.

After the events of Worlds Collide, Eggman and his lackeys returned to a completely new (to them) timeline, in what was left of the Egg-Wily Machine X, which crash-landed in the middle of the Efrika Plains. As a result, the doctor's most recent Death Egg had been left unmanned in Artika, while a Shield Generator was being designed for the vessel in Metropolis Zone. However, Bunnie D'Coolette and two of her fellow Freedom Fighters stole the Shield Generator for their Sky Patrol base. During the doctor's absence, his forces had to deal with Sally Acorn, who had penetrated the ship as part of a mission to steal Eggnet access codes. By the time Eggman and his lackeys returned after a lengthy misadventure, Sally had already escaped, but not before being caught on the security tapes. Enraged over how he'd lost his Roboticized weapon (having just come from an alternate timeline where Sally had become his robotic slave), he launched Metal Sonic to hunt her down, determined that Sonic would not see her again alive. This assassination attempt was thwarted thanks to Sonic's efforts, but upon accessing his vessels' scanners Eggman soon realized that larger problems loomed: the entire planet broke apart as a result of the improperly reversed Super Genesis Wave.[12][13][14][15][16]

Shattered World Crisis[]

After launching the craft to escape the cataclysm, Eggman determined that no means existed of reversing the changes to reality, leaving him apparently stuck with a broken planet. However, he soon discovered information about Professor Dillon Pickle's research on the Gaia Manuscripts, and dispatched E-106 Eta and its Badnik Horde to capture both the professor and his research.[17]

Later, Eggman was contacted aboard the Death Egg by Cassia the Pronghorn and Clove the Pronghorn, Egg Boss sisters who reported the loss of a Chaos Emerald previously held in Crystal Cave. Realizing that Sally must have learned of the Emerald from his stolen files, Eggman contacted Egg Boss Thunderbolt with orders to retain a Chaos Emerald she had come into possession of in order to lure the Freedom Fighters into a trap.[18] While the Freedom Fighters were en route, Eggman launched an attack against the Sky Patrol using his War Walrus, but was defeated by the superior arsenal of the Freedom Fighter craft.[19]

Thunderbolt subsequently reported the failure of her attempt due to Sonic's unexpected transformation into the Werehog, infuriating Eggman. However, he subsequently learned that the planet's shattered condition had strained the resources of his enemies and allowed his forces to seize more territory, and that the energies of Dark Gaia released by the cataclysm were greater than any other measurable energy source on the planet. He thus determined to gather the Chaos Emeralds and secure the Gaia Temples in order to prevent anyone else from restoring the planet, allowing him to process the Dark Gaia power. Another Chaos Emerald located by his forces in Soumerca was secured despite the Freedom Fighters' efforts to seize it, and Eggman managed to get a Tails Doll aboard the Sky Patrol despite their escape.[20][21] His success was brief, however, as the Hooligans boarded the Death Egg with news that they had lost a Chaos Emerald to Knuckles the Echidna and the Chaotix. As such, Eggman ordered them to enter the Chaos Emerald Championship to make it up to him, and added a directive of sabotage after failing to convince Breezie the Hedgehog to turn her Emerald over to him.[22][23]


Egg O' War[]

Main article: Egg O' War

The Egg O' War, formerly known as the Wily Egg, was a flying fortress created by Dr. Eggman and Dr. Wily within their own pocket zone, the Skull Egg Zone. It served as their base of operations while they activated the Genesis Wave using the power of a Chaos Emerald in order to reset their respective world and sent the Roboticized Masters to collect the remaining Chaos Emeralds. It was lost to the Sol Zone after the doctors' plot failed, where it was seized by Captain Metal and renamed the "Egg O' War" for his plans of multiversal conquest.


See also[]


  1. Sonic the Hedgehog #286, "Panic in the Sky Part Three: Colossal Crash"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Sonic Battle
  3. 3.0 3.1 Sonic Super Digest #12, "Sonic Comic Origins: The Traitor"
  4. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (16-bit)
  5. Sonic the Hedgehog #289, "Genesis of a Hero Part Two: Coming Back for More"
  6. 6.0 6.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #290, "Genesis of a Hero Part Three: Sonic's Cease and Desist"
  7. 7.0 7.1 Sonic the Hedgehog 3
  8. Sonic Generations (console/PC)
  9. Sonic Generations (Nintendo 3DS)
  10. Sonic & Knuckles
  11. Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II
  12. Sonic the Hedgehog #252, "At All Costs Part 2: A New Lease on Life"
  13. Sonic the Hedgehog #253, "Countdown to Chaos Part One: The Builder"
  14. Sonic the Hedgehog #254, "Countdown to Chaos Part Two: The Soldier"
  15. Sonic the Hedgehog #255, "Countdown to Chaos Part Three: The Rabbot"
  16. Sonic the Hedgehog #256, "Countdown to Chaos Finale: The Princess and the Hammer"
  17. Sonic the Hedgehog #257, "Damage Control"
  18. Sonic the Hedgehog #263, "Consequences"
  19. Sonic the Hedgehog #265, "The Grand Tour"
  20. Sonic the Hedgehog #266, "Ambushed! Part One"
  21. Sonic the Hedgehog #267, "Ambushed! Part Two"
  22. Sonic Universe #66, "The Great Chaos Caper Part Four: Water Way To Go!"
  23. Sonic the Hedgehog #268, "Champions Part One: The Gang's All Here"
  24. Flynn, Ian (19 January 2015). The Thread of general Sonic-related questions. BumbleKing Comics. Archived from the original on 2 November 2015.

External links[]
