Light Speed Shoes
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Permite a Sonic pasar por los anillos a gran velocidad.
Light Speed Shoes son una modificación para Sonic en Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure DX, Sonic Adventure 2 y Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. Estos zapatos le permiten al portador hacer el Light Speed Dash, un movimiento que permite pasar entre anillos.
Sonic Adventure/Sonic Adventure DX[]
Se consiguen en las alcantarillas de Station Square (Disponible después de terminar Windy Valley)
Sonic Adventure 2/Sonic Adventure Battle[]
Se pueden encontrar en Metal Harbor.
Sonic Unleashed[]
Se encuentran en la fase de entrada de Shammar.
Los Light Speed Shoes, como ya se dijo, permiten a Sonic hacer el Spin Dash, y de esa forma pasar entre los anillos a grandes velocidades. En Sonic Unleashed vuelven aparecer (Edición de XB360 y PS3), desde este juego para poder hacer el movimiento hay que pulsar Y/Triángulo.
- En los tres juegos, los Light Speed Shoes tienen diferente apariencia.
- En Sonic Shuffle, Super Sonic lleva los Light Speed Shoes de Sonic Adventure.
- En Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) son sustituidos por Light Chip.
- En Sonic adventure, es posible llegar sin ellos a Casinopolis, basta con salir de las alcantarillas usando el Spin Dash e ir a la zona del Casino, y allí nuevamente hacer el Spin Dash en la zona de las escaleras que dan a la estacción, Sonic saldrá por los aires y puede llegar al botón, aunque un problema si se hace esto puede ser la dificultad para llegar a Red Mountain.
Super Sonic) | Elementos beta | Créditos | Glitches | Relanzamientos (DX, 2010) | ||
Personajes | Jugables | Sonic the Hedgehog (Super Sonic) | Miles "Tails" Prower | Knuckles the Echidna | Amy Rose | E-102 Gamma | Big the Cat | Metal Sonic* |
No-jugables | Dr. Eggman | E-101 Beta (E-101 Mark II) | Chao | Chaos (Chaos 1, Chaos 2, Chaos 4, Chaos 6, Perfect Chaos) | Cream the Rabbit* | E-103 Delta | E-104 Epsilon | Froggy | Grandma | Sr. Sabelotodo | Pachacamac | Tikal | Robot de Sonic sin nombrar* | E-100 Alpha | E-105 Zeta | Animales (Ciervo, Conejo, Elefante, Gorila, Canguro, Foca, Golondrina, Koala, León, Loro, Nutria de mar, Pavo real, Pinguino, Topo, Zorrillo) | |
Adventure Fields | Egg Carrier | Mystic Ruins | Station Square | |
Action Stages | Emerald Coast | Windy Valley | Casinopolis | Icecap | Sky Chase | Twinkle Park | Speed Highway | Red Mountain | Sky Deck | Lost World | Hot Shelter | Sand Hill | Twinkle Circuit | |
Enemigos | Aeronave sin nombrar de Icecap | Avión de combate sin nombrar de Sky Deck | Beat | Bladed Spinner | Boa-Boa | Buyoon | Cart Kiki | Cop Speeder | Egg Keeper | Electro Spinner | Fighter Aircraft A | Fighter Aircraft B | Gola | Ice Ball | Kiki | Leon | Pirate | Rhinotank | Spiky Spinner | Sweeper | |
Jefes | Chaos 0 | Chaos 2 | Chaos 4 | Chaos 6 | E-100 Alpha | E-101 Beta | E-102 Gamma | E-103 Delta | E-104 Epsilon | E-105 Zeta | Egg Carrier | Egg Hornet | Egg Viper | Egg Walker | Perfect Chaos | |
Movimientos y técnicas |
Personajes jugables | Climb | Dig | Flight Mode | Glide | Hammer Attack | Hammer Jump | Hover | Homing Attack | Homing Missile Launch | Jump Attack | Laser Gun | Light Speed Attack | Light Speed Dash | Lure Attack | Maximum Heat Knuckles Attack | Pick | Propeller Flight | Punch Attack | Rapid Tails Attack | Rayo de luz | Spin Dash | Spin Hammer Attack | Spin Jump | Tails Attack |
NCP | Arm Punch | Bomb Attack | Bomb Gun Attack | Charge | Double Punch | Earthquake Attack | Electric Arm | Energy Ball Attack | Flame Thrower Attack | Guiding Missiles | Instantaneous Liquefaction | Laser Beam Attack | Homing Tail Slice | Inhale Attack | Marble Attack | Phantom Shadow Move | Punch | Quarter Attack | Scorpion Attack | Shockwave Attack (Chaos 6) | Sonic Boom | Spin Attack | Spinning Spike Attack | Spouting Attack | Squash Roll Attack | Swing Punch | |
Mejoras | Ancient Light | Crystal Ring | Fighting Gloves | Jet Anklet | Jet Booster | Laser Blaster | Life Belt | Light Speed Shoes | Long Hammer | Lure | Power Rod | Rhythm Badge | Shovel Claw | Warrior Feather | |
Físicas y obstáculos | Bola de hierro | Botón | Bumper | Bumper Car | Campana Colgante | Campo láser | Cañón | Carámbano | Catapulta de Spring | Cinta Transportadora | Cohete | Dash Panel | Dash Ring | Espejo | Explosion Trap | Flipper | Goal Balloon | Helicóptero | Hint Box | Hint Orb | Jump Panel (placa) | Jump Panel (rampa) | Lata de Tambor | Lit Panel | Manantial | Manivela | Máquina tragamonedas | Monkey Detonation Switch | Orca | Power cube | Satélite | Spring | Teleporter | Tirolina | Trick Jump Panel | Ventilador | Wide spring | Wind Path | |
Actores de voz | Inglés | Ryan Drummond (Sonic) | Corey Bringas (Tails) | Michael McGaharn (Knuckles) | Deem Bristow (Eggman) | Jennifer Douillard (Amy) | Jon St. John (Big) | Elara Distler (Tikal, Voz de Tren de Station Square, Menú de Voz por Defecto) | Steve Broadie (Gamma, Pachacamac, Voz de Tren de Mystic Ruins) | Tomoko Sasaki (Chao) |
Japonés | Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) | Kazuki Hayashi (Tails) | Nobutoshi Kanna (Knuckles) | Chikao Ōtsuka (Eggman) | Taeko Kawata (Amy) | Shun Yashiro (Big) | Kaori Asō (Tikal) | Jōji Nakata (Gamma) | Tōru Ōkawa (Pachacamac) | Kaho Kōda (Voz de Tren de Station Square) | Nobutoshi Kanna (Voz de Tren de Mystic Ruins) | Elara Distler (Default Menu Voice) | Tomoko Sasaki (Chao) | |
Canciones |
Believe In Myself | It Doesn't Matter | Lazy Days (Livin' in Paradise) | My Sweet Passion | Open Your Heart | Unknown From M.E. | |
Otros | 777 Slots Pinball | Angel Island | Auto Running | Black Market | Card & Pinball | Chao Stadium | Chao in Space | Chao Machine | Chao Search* | Congelar | Giro de sacacorchos | Debug Mode | Departamento de Policía de Station Square | E-100 Series | Egg Carrier | Egg Carrier 2 | Emerald Radar | Jardín Chao (Jardín de Station Square, Jardín de Mystic Ruins, Jardín del Egg Carrier) | Laboratorio de Tails | Life gauge | Mission Mode | Mystic Ruins | Santuario de la raza de Knuckles | Shuttle loop | Sonic Adventure (juego de LCD) | Station Square | Tornado | Tornado 2 | Transporter Machine
*Exclusivo de Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut. |
Personajes | Jugables | Sonic the Hedgehog (Super Sonic) | Miles "Tails" Prower | Knuckles the Echidna | Amy Rose* | Shadow the Hedgehog (Super Shadow) | Rouge the Bat | Dr. Eggman | Big the Cat*^ | Tikal* | Chaos* | Dark Chao Walker* | Chao Walker* | Metal Sonic* |
No-jugables | Chao (Dark Chao, Hero Chao, Chaos Chao) | Prof. Gerald Robotnik | Maria Robotnik | Presidente | Secretario | Sigma-Alpha 2 | Investigadores | Animales (Conejo, Cóndor, Dragón, Fénix, Foca, Gorila, Jabalí, Leopardo, Mitad pez, Loro, Mapache, Murciélago, Nutria de mar, Oso, Oveja, Pavo real, Perro esqueleto, Pinguino, Tigre, Unicornio, Zorrillo) | |
Etapas | Hero | City Escape | Wild Canyon | Prison Lane | Metal Harbor | Green Forest | Pumpkin Hill | Mission Street | Aquatic Mine | Route 101 | Hidden Base | Pyramid Cave | Death Chamber | Eternal Engine | Meteor Herd | Crazy Gadget | Final Rush |
Dark | Iron Gate | Dry Lagoon | Sand Ocean | Radical Highway | Egg Quarters | Lost Colony | Weapons Bed | Security Hall | White Jungle | Route 280 | Sky Rail | Mad Space | Cosmic Wall | Final Chase | |
Otras | Cannon's Core | Green Hill | |
Etapas 2P* | Downtown Race | Grind Race | Planet Quest | Pool Quest | Deck Race | Pyramid Race | |
Enemigos | G.U.N. | Blue Eagle | Bomb Beetle | Bomb Wing | Gold Beetle | Gun Hawk | Gun Beetle | Gun Hawk | Gun Hunter | Gun Wing | Hornet-3 | Hornet-6 | Hornet-9 | Laser Hawk | Laser Hornet | Laser Hunter | Mono Beetle | Phoenix | Rhino Cannon | Rhino Jet | Rhino Metal | Rhino Spike | Shield Hunter | Sky Hawk | Spark Beetle | Spring Beetle |
Eggman Empire | Buzz Bomber | Chopper | E-1000 | Gola | Unidus | Kiki | |
Otros | Artificial Chaos (Artificial Chaos P-1, Artificial Chaos P-100, Cell, Float Type, Guard Type) | Boo | Boom Boo | |
Localizaciones | Central City | Chao Kindergarten | Chao Stadium | Colonia Espacial ARK | Mercado Negro | Jardín Chao (Héroe, Neutral, Oscuro) | Luna | Prison Island | Station Square | |
Jefes | B-3x Hot Shot | Biolizard | Dr. Eggman | Egg Golem | F-6t Big Foot | Finalhazard | King Boom Boo | Knuckles | R-1/A Flying Dog | Rouge | Shadow | Sonic | Tails | |
Movimientos y técnicas |
Black Shield | Black Wave | Bounce Attack | Chaos Control | Chaos Spear | Dig | Drill Claw | Drill Drive | Fire Somersault | Grinding | Crouch | Hammer Punch | Hip Drop* | Hover | Homing Attack | Kick/Kick Attack | Light Attack | Light Speed Dash | Lock-On Missile | Magic Hands | Power Laser | Punch/Punch Attack | Screw Kick | Somersault | Sonic Wind | Spin Jump | Spin Dash | Spiral Upper | Storming Heart* | Super Sonic Boost | Thunder Arrow | Volkan Cannon | |
Mejoras | Air Necklace | Air Shoes | Ancient Light | Bazooka | Booster | Bounce Bracelet | Flame Ring | Hammer Gloves | Iron Boots | Jet Engine | Large Cannon | Laser Blaster | Light Speed Shoes | Magic Gloves | Mystic Melody | Protective Armor | Shovel Claw | Sunglasses | Treasure Scope | |
Actores de voz | Inglés | Ryan Drummond (Sonic) | Connor Bringas (Tails) | Scott Dreier (Knuckles, G.U.N) | Jennifer Douillard (Amy Rose) | David Humphrey (Shadow the Hedgehog) | Lani Minella (Rouge) | Omochao}} | Deem Bristow (Eggman) | Moriah Angeline (Maria) | Marc Biagi (Gerald, Soldados de G.U.N) | Steve Broadie (Presidente) | Shelly Fox (Tema de Menú Predeterminado) Jon St. John (Big) | Elara Distler (Tikal) | Tomoko Sasaki (Chao) |
Japonés | Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) | Kazuki Hayashi (Tails) | Nobutoshi Kanna (Knuckles) | Taeko Kawata (Amy) | Kōji Yusa (Shadow) | Rumi Ochiai (Rouge) | Chikao Ōtsuka (Eggman, Gerald) | Etsuko Kozakura (Omochao) | Yuri Shiratori (Maria) | Kinryū Arimoto (Presidente) Shun Yashiro (Big) | Shelly Fox (Tema de Menú Predeterminado) | Tomoko Sasaki (Chao) | |
Música | Álbumes | Sonic Adventure 2 Official Soundtrack | Sonic Adventure 2 Original Soundtrack |
Canciones | A Ghost's Pumpkin Soup | Believe In Myself | Deeper | Dive into the Mellow | E.G.G.M.A.N. | Escape from the City | Fly in the Freedom | For True Story | It Doesn't Matter | Kick the Rock! | Live and Learn | My Sweet Passion | Rhythm And Balance | Space Trip Steps | Supporting Me | The Supernatural | Throw It All Away | Unknown From M.E. | Vengeance is Mine | |
Otros | Angel Island | Auto Running | Bomba | Botón | Cañón Eclipse | Camión de G.U.N. | Chao Adventure^ | Chao Adventure 2^ | Chao in Space | Chao Key | Chao World | Chaos Drives | Chaos Emerald | Cohete | Contenedor | Cyclone | Dash Panel | Dinamita | Eggwalker | Emblema | Emerald Shards | Giro de sacacorchos | Goal Ring | Grind Rail | Hourglass | Huevo Chao | Item Box (Bomba | Extra Life | Invincibility | Magnetic Barrier | Master Emerald | Power Sneakers | Shield | Super Ring) | Misil | Projecto Shadow | Polea | Rampa | Rangos | Ring | Shuttle loop | Snowboard | Soap Shoes | Teleporter | Tótem | Winding Tunnel
*Aparece o se puede jugar en el modo 2P. |
Artículo principal | Galería | Transcripción | Elementos beta | Créditos (PS2/Xbox 360, PS3/Wii) | Glitches | Relanzamientos (Móviles) | ||
Personajes | Sonic (Super Sonic, Sonic the Werehog) | Chip (Gaia Colossus) | Tails | Amy | Dr. Eggman | Profesor Pickle | Orbot | Dark Gaia (Perfect Dark Gaia) | |
Pueblos/Ciudades | Apotos | Mazuri | Spagonia | Chun-nan | Holoska | Shamar | Empire City* | Adabat | Eggmanland | |
Zonas | Windmill Isle | Savannah Citadel | Rooftop Run | Dragon Road | Cool Edge | Arid Sands | Skyscraper Scamper | Jungle Joyride | Eggmanland | |
Residentes | Apotos | Alexis | Anastasia | Eric | Gregorios | Vendedor de Helados | Lambros | Lucas | Milos | Sandra |
Spagonia | Aida | Barbara | Ciccio | David | Denise | Dora | Elio | Federica | Franco | Gigi | Ippolita | Irma | Josef | Lilli | Lucia | Marcantonio* | Mauro | Natalia | Otto | Professor Pickle | Asistente del Professor Pickle | Raimondo | |
Mazuri | Ana | Essie | Gwek | Kofi | Kwami | Kwod | Yawa | Yaya | |
Chun-nan | Chun | Hualin | Jinlin | Lin | Shuifon | Wang* | Yilin | Zonshen | |
Holoska | Jari-Pekka | Jari-Thure | Marketa | Sarianna | Ursula | |
Shamar | Ara | Dimah | Ehsan | Erhan | Hizir | Iman | Labib | Latif | Layla | Mufid | Musaid | Raniya | Sa'id | Sadiq | Safi | Samia | Sammar | Shadi | Utba | Yasmine | |
Empire City | Boss | Brenda | Charles | Def Big | Elizabeth | Li'l Kate | Louie Montaine | Robert | |
Adabat | Jamal | Kaeo | Nagi | Rudi | Teanchai | |
Eggmanland | EF-DC1998 | EF-MD1991 | EF-XB2006 | |
Otros | Wentos | Vendedor de Perritos Calientes | |
Jefes | Egg Beetle | Egg Cauldron | Egg Dragoon | Egg Devil Ray | Egg Lancer | Dark Gaia | Dark Gaia Phoenix | Dark Guardian | Dark Moray | Perfect Dark Gaia | |
Movimientos y técnicas |
Sonic | Crouch | Foot Sweep | Grinding | Homing Attack | Hop | Light Speed Dash | Slide | Sonic Boost | Sonic Drift | Spin Jump | Stomp | Quick Step | Wall Jump |
Werehog | Dash | Double Jump | Grab | Guard | Unleashed Mode | Wall Shuffle | |
Super Sonic | Super Sonic Boost | |
Habilidades | Combos | Donkey Kick Combo* | Double Axle Combo* | Double Kick Combo* | Feral Were-Hammer* | Knuckle Sandwich Combo* | Sho-Hog-Ken* | Unleashed Knuckle Sandwich* | Vertical Were-Hammer* | Were-Hammer* | Werewheel Rush* |
Ataques normales | Earthshaker* | Egg Scrambler* | Feral Wild Whirl* | Rolling Kick Combo* | Sho-Claw-Ken* | Ultimate Wild Combo* | Unleashed Wild Combo* | Wereclap* | Wild Whirl* | Wild Whirl Were-Hammer* | |
Ataques aéreos | Aerial Claw Slash* | Aerial Claw Slash and Spin* | Aerial Piledriver* | Crescent Moon Strike* | Diving Bodypress* | Flying Double-Punch* | Flying Double-Punch Crush* | Hurricane Combo* | Shooting Star Combo* | Typhoon Combo* | |
Ataques especiales | Comet Punch* | Missile Punch* | Spinning Needle Attack* | Tricky Tornado Uppercut* | Triple Wild Claw* | Were-Claw Charge* | Were-Cyclone* | Were-Rush* | Were-Tornado* | Wild Werewhip* | |
PS2/Wii** | Beatdown | Crescent Moon Strike | Earthshaker | Wereclap | Were-Hammer | Were-Claw | Were-Wallop | Wild Claw | Wild Whirl | |
Mejoras | Air Boost Shoes* | Light Speed Dash Shoes* | Stomping Shoes* | Wall Jump Shoes* | |
Enemigos | Máquinas de Eggman | Aero-Cannon | Aero-Chaser | Egg Blizzard | Egg Burst | Egg Fighter | Egg Fighter: Knight (Escudo Eléctrico, Spring shield) | Egg Fighter: Shield (Escudo Eléctrico, Spring shield) | Egg Fighter: Sword* | Egg Flame | Egg Launcher (H) | Egg Launcher (H+V) | Egg Launcher (V) | Egg Pawn | Egg Shackle | Egg Shooter | Egg Typhoon | Gold Aero-Cannon | Interceptor | Little Fighter* | Mole Cannon | Spinner | Thunder Ball | Thunder Spinner |
Esbirros de Dark Gaia | Big Mother | Cure Master* | Dark Bat | Dark Bat Sniper | Dark Eel* | Dark Fright | Dark Master** | Deep Nightmare | Evil Flower* | Fire Master | Fright Master | Killer Bee | Lightning Master | Little Rex | Nightmare | Power Master* | Red Fright | Red Killer Bee | Red Nightmare** | Red Deep Nightmare** | Red Rex | Red Titan** | Spike** | Thunder Bat | Titan | |
Objetos | Art Books* | Equipo de sonido | Globo | Té Azul* | Bobsled | Estantería* | Bomba | Check Point | Chaos Emerald | Chaos Orb* | Contenedor | Cinta Transportadora | Polea | Manivela | Bola de Cristal* | Dark Energy Keys** | Dark Gaia Force | Dash Panel | Dash Ring | Puertas | Gaia Key* | Goal Ring | Gramófono* | Té Verde* | Grind Rail | Regalo | Hourglass* | Item Box** | Jump Panel | Key Stones* | Lever | Estatua de dama* | Miles Electric | Tableta Lunar** | Colgante Viejo* | Tableta Planetaria** | Estimulante* | Pretty Bouquet* | Anillo Encantador* | Power Shield* | Rainbow Ring | Records* | Té Rojo* | Rings | Shield Charge* | Souvenirs* | Spear** | Spiked Ball | Pinchos | Springs | Springpole | Medalla Solar | Medalla Lunar | Tableta Solar** | Sundae Supreme | Super Claw* | Super Ring | Switch | Tornado-1 | Trap Spring | Té Turquesa* | TV* | Videotapes* | Té Violeta* | Té Blanco* | Té Amarillo* | 1UP | |
Actores de voz | Inglés | Jason Griffith (Sonic, Sonic the Werehog, Asistente del Professor Pickle) | Amy Palant (Tails) | Lisa Ortiz (Amy) | Anthony Salerno (Chip) | Mike Pollock (Eggman, Zonshen) | Christopher Collet (Orbot) | Dan Green (Ice Cream Vendor, Prof. Pickle) |
Japonés | Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) | Chikao Otsuka (Eggman) | Chō (Prof. Pickle) | Ryo Hirohashi (Tails) | Taeko Kawata (Amy) | Tomokazu Seki (Sonic the Werehog) | Ryōko Shiraishi (Chip) | |
Planetary Pieces | Endless Possibilities | Dear My Friend | |
Otros | Auto Running | Bandanna Ghost and Bow Tie Ghost* | Boost Gauge | Boss Gate | Chao* | Chaos Energy Cannon | Tesoro de Chun-nan | Collection Room* | Mostrador de sueños 2* | Dark Energy Force Fields** | Don Fachio* | Tierra | Egg Mobile | Eggshop* | Entrance Stage* | Exorcismo | Tienda El pez volador* | Entrada Gaia | Manuscritos de Gaia | Templos de Gaia | Golden Trading Company* | Hallowmoon | El almacén de Josef* | Havok | Pista | Resultados** | Quick Time Events | Shield | Shield Gauge | Shuttle Loop | Sonic: Night of the Werehog | Manga | Ultramarinos La Gaviota* | Rangos | Tiempo del despertar | Tornado Defense* | Traveling Salesman Wentos* | Treeshade* | Unleashed Gauge | Tienda de Ursula* | El almacén de Wang*
*Exclusivo de la versión de PS3/Xbox 360. |