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Samurai Shodown (2019)[]
Story Prologue[]
In a faraway land, there was a dancer by the name of Gongsun Li. Everyone who saw that girl's bright and beautiful dance was moved. She gave courage to those in fear; strenght to those in hardship; and hope to those in misery. But she had another side to her she kept separate life as a dancer. Her true profession was uncovering the crime of wicked nobles and punishing evil. Gongsun Li wishes happiness upon all people. Now, she will embark on a new mission.
In Battle[]
Native (Japanese/Chinese) | English translation | Occurs when/during |
踊りましょうガ∼ Odorimashou ga | Time to dance | Select character |
该出场啦! Gāi chūchǎng la | To the stage! | Select character |
どうがした? Dō ga shita? | Are you alright? | Using Autumn Tide |
逃がしません! Nigashimasen! | I won't let you run away! | Going forward with Lunar Recall (Ground) |
こちらですよ∼ Kochiradesu yo | This way~ | Going backward with Lunar Recall (Ground) |
行きますよ Ikimasu yo | I'm going in! | Going forward with Lunar Recall (Air) |
怖い∼怖い∼ Kowai Kowai | Scary~ | Going backward with Lunar Recall (Air) |
ここよ∼ Koko yo | I'm here~ | Using Flash Step |
こっちです Kotchidesu | Take this! | Using Twisting Maple |
さあ、踊りましょう Sā odorimashou | Let's dance! | Using Gust of Illusion |
離の舞い、楽しんで下さい Ri no mai, tanoshinde kudasai |
Please enjoy my dance! | Using Maple Dance |
好险啊…… Hǎo xiǎn a | That was close. | Finishing a round while unarmed |
Win Quotes[]
Generic Win Quotes (Also vs. Cham Cham, Hibiki, Amakusa & Baiken)[]
- "Whew... I'm really not much of a fighter, but I did what I had to do."
- "Did you like my dancing? I gave it my best."
- "Just leave me alone for a moment! I need to calm down!"
- "If we keep this up, a lot of people are going be mad, so let's end it here, okay?"
- "Hey! Look what you did to my clothes!"
Generic Win Quote (Perfect Match)[]
- "Spying's my specialty, so finding your weakness was easy."
Specific Win Quotes[]
- "I'm not sure if I could ever make you happy." (vs. Basara)
- "You use your weapon to protect the people; that's what makes you strong." (vs. Charlotte)
- "You're so strong! You really tested my umbrella!" (vs. Darli)
- "Think about the victims of your crimes! You have to give back everything you've stolen." (vs. Earthquake)
- "I fight to make everyone happy. Next time, I hope we can meet as friends instead of enemies." (vs. Galford)
- "I can't forgive anyone who kills for pleasure." (vs. Genjuro)
- "Vanishing into thin air... Changing into logs... You, ninjas, are strange." (vs. Hanzo)
- "I don't care if you want to get stronger, but you're going to hurt somebody acting like that." (vs. Haohmaru)
- "This happened in my world, too! Why do I have so many imitators?!" (vs. Herself)
- "Let me guess... You're not human, are you?" (vs. Iroha)
- "You move like a master of the sword. I was mesmerized." (vs. Jubei)
- "Ow! Watch what you're doing with that fire!" (vs. Kazuki)
- "I never thought I'd meet a fighter like you in this world! Your dance is breathtaking!" (vs. Kyoshiro)
- "Let me help with the evil inside you. I can't leave here while you're so unhappy." (vs. Mina)
- "Come on... It's a little unfair that you know me, but I don't know you." (vs. Nakoruru)
- "Hehe... You're cute. I think your smile makes people happy." (vs. Rimururu)
- "I wouldn't say you're unhappy... More... unlucky. I can't really do anything about that." (vs. Ruixiang)
- "I refuse to leave you here. Come with me." (vs. Shiki)
- "Please, don't think unhappy thoughts. There are many roads to happiness." (vs. Shizumaru)
- "I've met lot of fighters as smart as you, but none that are as cold and scary." (vs. Sogetsu)
- "In a weird way, you move a bit like a dancer." (vs. Tam Tam)
- "Um, why do I feel as though I've met you somewhere before...?" (vs. Ukyo)
- "Were you here to scout me or something? Sorry, but go find somebody else." (vs. Wan-Fu)
- "Phew, I won! I HATE fighting knights like this!" (vs. Warden)
- "There are many ways to make people happy, but yours only brings sorrow." (vs. Yashamaru)
- "It's amazing to me... Your charm grabs people by the heart and doesn't let go." (vs. Yoshitora)
Draw Quote[]
- "Whew... Too close to comfort."
Intro Quote (Story Mode)[]
- "Heehee. Let me show you my dance. I hope you enjoy it."
Fateful Battle Dialogue[]
- Gongsun Li: "Nakoruru...? What you are doing here? I can't explain why, but I need you to let me pass."
- Nakoruru: "What are y—...? No, it's too dangerous here! I can't let you go on ahead!"
Win Quote (Story Mode)[]
- "Just stay there for a while. It's okay. I'm going to fight for your sake, too." (vs. Nakoruru)
Quote vs. Shizuka[]
- "I want to save you without fighting... but I don't think that's possible... I'll see what I can do."
Story Epilogue[]
In the dazzling light, a voice whispers in Gongsun Li's ear: "Thank you." She opened her eyes. Cherry blossoms bloomed before her. Such a grand and beautiful sight. The dancer moved gracefully in time with the swirling petals. It was as if the fluttering blossoms represented Shizuka Gozen's joy at being freed from hatred. Gongsun Li fights to spread happiness and to protect those threatened by misfortune. In the end, even Shizuka Gozen — harbinger of misery — was just searching for her own happiness. Gongsun Li had uncovered crimes and punished the criminals accordingly. But Shizuka Gozen was unlike any villain she had faced before. The world should never have to suffer someone like her ever again. With renewed determination, Gongsun Li began her journey home. After a journey fraught with hardship, she returned to her everyday life. In public, she dances gracefully, bringing people joy. However, behind the veneer, she exposes evil and protects the innocents. Tonight, too, with justice shining in her heart, she secretely begins another mission. When she closed her eyes, she could see the cherry blossoms in full bloom once more, and a lady smiling, bathed in light.
End Quotes (Story Mode)[]
- "No sad faces. I want to see everyone smile!"
- "I suppose knowing about other worlds could be useful back home."
- "Little by little, I've come a long way. I need to hang in there until we meet again..."
- "This isn't normally how I do things, but if you're happy, then I'm happy!"