Alice Nakata | Story | Move List | Gallery | Quotes | Trivia |
Alice Garnet Nakata (ć¢ćŖć¹ć»ć¬ć¼ćććć»
She is voiced by Akino Hayashi.
A cheerful young lady, Alice adores and admires Terry. She is always supportive of her idol. Once she has trained herself to fight, she emulates him and hopes to gain his approval.
The Days of Memories Alice is considered the well-meaning foreigner who joyfully bursts through the confines of Japanese social etiquette. While she hopes to raise her patient's spirits and occasionally makes sexual jokes, she rarely takes her audience's reactions seriously. At times, she may even fail to recognize any fault she may have committed and can be unintentionally offensive as a result. Even with her antics, Alice is still nervous to accept the responsibilities of a nurse and has many insecurities about failing her future. She is also surprisingly bashful about showing affection towards the protagonist.
The KOF XIV Alice still wants be like Terry Bogard. For it, she joins with the Female Team and picked up her own fighting style from those of the fighters gathered in South Town. Although still rough, her outstanding physique and sense for fighting will make her formidable with time. She is known for her cheerful and somewhat irresponsible personality.
Fighting style
Her fighting style is mostly a hybrid of the Fatal Fury series protagonists: Terry, Andy, Joe, and Rock.
- Chrysler Shout - Days of Memories
- Splendid Soldier - The King of Fighters XIV
ComicsCameos |
- The name Alice means "noble, exalted"/"of the nobility/of nobility" in Old German/French/English/Italian/Portuguese.
- However, if written in Japanese (ęē , ęåÆæ, ęę¾, äŗå©ē , äŗę¢Øę±, ęčåÆæ or ęéå), it can mean:
- ęē - "exist" (ę) (ari) and "bead, pearl, gem, jewel" (ē ) (su).
- ęåÆæ - "exist" (ę) (ari) and "longevity, congratulations, one's natural life" (åÆæ) (su).
- ęę¾ - "exist" (ę) (ari) and "clear, pure" (ę¾) (su).
- äŗå©ē - "second, Asia" (äŗ) (a), "benefit, advantage" (å©) (ri) and "bead, pearl, gem, jewel" (ē ) (su).
- äŗę¢Øę± - "second, Asia" (äŗ) (a), "pear" (ę¢Ø) (ri) and "vermilion red" (ę±) (su).
- ęčåÆæ - "love, affection" (ę) (a), "white jasmine" (č) (ri) and "longevity, congratulations, one's natural life" (åÆæ) (su).
- ęéå - "love, affection" (ę) (a), "village" (é) (ri) and "child" (å) (su).
- However, if written in Japanese (ęē , ęåÆæ, ęę¾, äŗå©ē , äŗę¢Øę±, ęčåÆæ or ęéå), it can mean:
- Alice's surname Nakata means "middle" (äø) (naka) and "field, rice paddy" (ē°) (ta).