Svetuka kuchirochemo

File:Masai Mara National Reserve 2021-04 - bare-faced go-away-bird (Crinifer personatus).jpg

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English: Masai Mara National Reserve - bare-faced go-away-bird (Crinifer personatus) The image was taken during 5 weeks of traveling on an overlander camping tour through east and south Africa in 2015. - Die Aufnahme entstand bei einer 5-wöchigen Campingtour durch das südliche und östliche Afrika im Jahr 2015.
Mabviro Basa rangu
Munyori Thomas Fuhrmann
Camera location1° 36′ 31.24″ S, 35° 18′ 24.87″ E  Heading=35.7° Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View this and other nearby images on: OpenStreetMapinfo


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w:en:Creative Commons
Uzikano gova saizvo
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.
  • kugova – kucheza, kugovera ne kutumira basa
  • kurhimikisa – kugadzirisa basa
Pasi pemamiriro anotevera:
  • Uzikano – Unofanhira kupa kiredhiti yakakodzeka, ipa kochekero yekune rezinesi, uye ratidza kana zvichinjirudzo zvaitwa. Ita sokudaro zviichienderana nenzira inonzwisisika, asi kwete nenzira ingaratidze zvekudii kuti murezinesi anokutsigira kana kushandiso kwako.
  • gova saizvo – If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same or compatible license as the original.


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Masai Mara National Reserve - grey go-away-bird (Crinifer concolor)

Items portrayed in this file

depicts Chirungu

copyrighted Chirungu

inception Chirungu

9 Gunyana 2015

1°36'31.241"S, 35°18'24.865"E

heading Chirungu: 35.7 degree

exposure time Chirungu

0.00125 mhindi

f-number Chirungu


focal length Chirungu

399 millimetre

ISO speed Chirungu


media type Chirungu


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Dzvanya pa musi/nguva kuti uringe fayera sekuoneka kwaraita panguva iyoyo.

parizvino13:05, 18 Chikumi 2021Mfananoudoko weuhlovo sekubva 13:05, 18 Chikumi 20212,389 × 3,588 (5.39 MB)SnowmanstudiosUploaded own work with UploadWizard

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