Svetuka kuchirochemo


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Kutya (Fear in English) imhepo inoratidzirwa nekufunga kwengozi inogona kuitika kana kutyisidzira kune yemuviri kana yepfungwa mamiriro, angave echokwadi kana ekufungidzira.

Kutya kunogona kukonzeresa pachena kumeso.

Kumbwenda kumbweka kana kukwata (tremble with fear).

Mamwe Mazwi

  • Dengetera (Be in grip of powerful emotion e.g. fear) Shumba zvayakadzvova mangwanani, pasipakanga pava kudengetera kwazvo: a lion roared in the morning and every creature was as though spellbound.
  • Chitekeshe (Fearsome person who deliberately smashes brittle objects). Kutekesha.
  • Chinjiri (Fearsome animal, bogey - not really existing).
  • Chidudu (1. Great fear. 2. Precipitate action).
  • dzidzimuka (shudder, either from the cold or from seeing something unpleasant). Izwi iri rinotaurwa kuKalanga.


  • Kangara kana wetsu (ideophone of Staring with wide open eyes (gen fearful).
  • Imbwa yavata, yatya. A dog lying down (means it) has surrendered.
  • Imbwa yakwavarara, yatya. A dog lying down (means it) has surrendered.

Mazwi eBantu

  • Luganda vanoti okutya (fear) kureva kutya.
  • VaGanda vanoti buti (fear) kureva kutya. VaSesotho vanoti tšabo (fear, dread).
  • Barotse neMaZulu vanoti saba (to fear, to be afraid; have awe, respect) kureva kutya.
  • VaGanda vanoti buti bukuru (great fear) kureva kutya kukuru.
  • Lugwere inoti kutya ( fear, worry, revere, venerate; look up to, cower, recoil, shy away, feel a phobia, lack confidence, become timid) kureva kutya.