Smallville Wiki
Smallville Wiki

The Daily Planet Employee is a man working for the Daily Planet in 2018.


He rushed out of the Daily Planet bullpen, asking for someone to tell Perry White about there being a bomb in an elevator downtown.


  • The character wears an I.D. badge (providing the character with a canonical name). However, the camera never gets close enough for the name on it to be readable.
  • It is possible that he is intended to be a canonical Daily Planet employee from the comics (though, whom is unclear). Towards the end of the show, they seemingly began to phase out the Daily Planet employees (that were original to the show), for canonical supporting characters from the Superman comics.[1][2][3][4] Depictions of the future in Salvation, Homecoming and Finale, Part 2 have all the named Daily Planet employees be Ron Troupe, Perry White, and James Bartholomew "Jimmy" Olsen.[5][6][7] The one exception being Jeff Hage, who appears in the 2013 sequence in Salvation[5] and the 2017 sequence in Homecoming,[6] but is absent from the 2018 sequence in Finale, Part 2 (despite appearing in the 2011 part of Finale, Part 1).[8][7] Jeff himself vanishes after the Season Eleven story Haunted.[9] In the remaining Season Eleven stories, all the named Daily Planet employees are Perry White, Cat Grant, Franklin Stern, and Steve Lombard.[10][11][12][13]


