"Elephant Rampage" was a job for Sly Cooper in "A Starry Eyed Encounter" of Sly 2: Band of Thieves.
Gather six headdress jewels for Bentley to make a saw that can be used to free the Clockwerk wings.
The mission[]
As you begin the mission, creep underneath the steps to begin crawling underneath the pen. As you crawl further towards the rats, you will cause them to run up into the pen and scare the elephants, who will then break through the pen door and storm out on a rampage.
After exiting the hole, your next task will be to get on top of the elephants and detach each jewel one by one. You will need to use the rooftops to get on top of their backs.
After you claim the first jewel off an elephant, it will immediately throw you off. From this point on, as you hop onto an elephant to get another jewel, it will try to swat you off with its trunk. Simply jump over its swinging trunk and focus on freeing the jewels. Once all 6 jewels of the first elephant are removed, its saddle will break apart, and you can focus on retrieving the last remaining jewels.
Note: Any guards that attack will back off once you get onto an elephant.