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Lewis Burwell Puller

Iz Wikinavedka, proste zbirke navedkov in pregovorov
Rojstvo 26. junij 1898({{padleft:1898|4|0}}-{{padleft:6|2|0}}-{{padleft:26|2|0}})
King William County[d]
Smrt 11. oktober 1971({{padleft:1971|4|0}}-{{padleft:10|2|0}}-{{padleft:11|2|0}}) (73 let)
Državljanstvo  ZDA
Poklic častnik
Pokopan Virginija

Lewis Burwell Puller, ameriški marinski general, 1898–1971.

  • Vse v redu, oni so na naši levi, oni so na naši desni, oni so pred nami, oni so za nami... oni zdaj ne bodo pobegnili.
    All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time.[1]
  • Smo obkoljeni... To poenostavi naše probleme.
    We're surrounded...That simplifies our problems.[2][3]
  • Ko ga je stotnik KOV ZDA vprašal za smer umika, je polkovnik Puller ukazal svojemu tankovskemu poveljniku, da zasede položaje kopenske vojske in mu ukazal: »Če se bodo začeli umikati od te črte samo za en čevelj, hočem, da odprete ogenj na njih.« Nato se je obrnil k stotniku, rekoč: »Ali to odgovori na vaše vprašanje? Tu smo, zato da se borimo.« (Koto-ri, Koreja)
    When an Army captain asked him for the direction of the line of retreat, Col Puller called his Tank Commander, gave them the Army position, and ordered: "If they start to pull back from that line, even one foot, I want you to open fire on them." Turning to the captain, he replied "Does that answer your question? We're here to fight.


  1. Become a Marine Officer, Officer.marines.com, pridobljeno, 9. oktober 2008.
  2. Tobias Seamon, Sunlit Pictures: A War Album — The Chain Bridge, Themorningnews.org, 5. november 2003, pridobljeno, 9. oktober 2008.
  3. Chesty Puller, Officer.marines.compridobljeno, 9. oktober 2008.