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Air Agitators are air vehicles part of The Darkness's armada in Book #2 in the Spell Punk Library.

There are three types of Air Agitators, the smallest ships shoot homing missiles and come from an rectilinal position. The second type of ships are bigger and the most common; they shoot three projectiles and have the same amount of health as the small ships. The largest ships have the most health and shoot five projectiles at the same time into different directions; they become more common the more the vehicle section progresses.


Enemy Vehicles
Iron Equalizers - Blast Bomb Airbusses - Kaos Cruisers - Fender Benders - Mortarheads
Goblin Gliders - Battleship Bulwarks - Ship Wreckers - Hydrolancers
Prison Porters - Bonesaw Cleavers - Chop Hoppers - Ziplins - Carrion Carriers - Air Agitators
Waging Warships - Trash Thrashers - Rubbish Rockets - Salvage Scrappers - Troll War Ships
Steampunk Sawnaughts - Wind Burns - Rampart Rammers - Spirit Wings - Essence Dispensers
Flitter Glimmers - Shadowlins - Darkened Destroyers - Battleship Bullies - Eben Bomb Airbusses
Ultimate Equalizers - Midnight Mortarheads - Shadow Guardians

Catalytic Cyclotron - Cannon Ship of Doom - Flyer Factory - Storm Sequencer
Darkness Command Ship - Dread Roller - Turbo Teeth - Wreck O' Saurus