Toad Sim, also known as Toadified, is a temporary life state and moodlet in The Sims 3: Supernatural, which gives the affected Sim a green or grey toad head and a matching skin color.
Sims that are Toadified will have a -5 negative moodlet that lasts until they're cured. They are able to eat flies that fly around rotten food portions and from beehives, and will not get nauseous by it if they have the Vegetarian trait. They will occasionally autonomously do the "Be a Toad" action, where they will either look a bit around, or ribbit. They never blink with their eyes, and they will sleep with their eyes open.
Their lifespans will be shown as being identical to a normal Sim, but they cannot do the "Have Birthday" autonomous action needed to progress to the next life stage even if "Days Until Aging Up" shows 0 or if they blow out birthday cake candles, essentially making them immortal if they're not at the Elder stage. Their HUD images usually show their previous human non-Toadified form.
In contrast to zombies and Tragic Clowns, there are no known ways for occult Sims to become Toadified. But like those two statuses, the game refuses to let Toadified Sims travel to sub-worlds before they have been cured. They cannot be turned directly into zombies, even with the Zombification elixir or by having a bad dream about the supernatural in the dream pod.[TS3:ITF]
Toad Sims cannot use dressers to plan outfits, but can switch between existing outfits that were made before they became Toadified.
Only normal Sims can be subjected to the Toafification Curse, whereas all occult Sims are immune to the magic.[TS3:SN]
Known ways to become Toadified[]
- Have a witch use the Toadification Curse on the Sim.
- Occasionally when alchemy brewing fails.
- 3% chance when the Spectrum Mood Lamp is set to green and has been turned on for one hour.
- During Ask for Toad Kiss, there is a chance that a non-occult Sim who kisses a Toad Sim, will also become a Toad Sim (instead of curing the original Toad Sim).
- Temporarily for 12 hours after having a good dream about the supernatural in the dream pod.
Known ways to become cured of being Toadified[]
- Choosing Romantic... → Ask for Toad Kiss from another Sim. The request can be accepted even with a relationship barely in the green, with irked-out Sims choosing to kiss the Toad Sim on the cheek instead of the lips.
- Using a Cure Elixir or Potent Cure Elixir elixir.
- Using a Cure from Moodlet Manager.
- Have a witch use the Sunlight Charm spell on the Sim.
Exclusive things Toad Sims can do[]
- Eat flies from old dishes or from bee hives.
- "Ask for Toad Kiss".
- Autonomously croak.
Things Toad Sims cannot do[]
- Travel to sub-worlds.
- Receive a tattoo.[TS3:A]
- Receive a stylist makeover.[TS3:A]
- Go windsurfing.[TS3:IP]
Service NPCs[]
If a witch uses the Toadification Curse on service Sims, the service Sims will oftentimes begin exhibiting odd behavior:
- A butler[TS3:LN] will stand still and do nothing of any sort, potentially forever unless resetSim is used.
- A paparazzi[TS3:LN] will stand still for a while, but can croak, and player Sims can interact with them. Once their paparazzi status lapses, they will act fully normally again.
The Toadification Curse option does not show up towards maids, pizza delivery drivers, mail carriers, on-duty repairmen, on-duty mixologists, or on-duty nannies.
The Sims 4: Movie Hangout Stuff[]
One of the available movies, Adventures of the Starship Simulation, shows a team of 4 or more Toad Sims in Lunar Lakes.