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Riordan Mithrilen
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Child Child
Life state CAS Human icon Normal
Family Mithrilen family
Parents Fintan Mithrilen, Aine Mithrilen
Siblings Unborn baby Mithrilen
Traits Trait Friendly small Friendly
Trait No Sense of Humor small No Sense of Humor
Trait Perfectionist small Perfectionist
Zodiac sign VirgoLN Virgo
Favorites Fav Classical Classical
Fav Tri-Tip Steak Tri-Tip Steak
Fav Yellow Yellow
Hair color Skin-blue Sims 3 Blue
Eye color Yellow eyes Sims 3 Yellow
Skin color Skin-blue Sims 3 Blue
Body shape Thin Thin
Social standing
Celebrity status
1 star
Other information
Game TS3DV Icon The Sims 3 Store
Playability Playable
World Dragon Valley

Riordan Mithrilen is a pre-made child Sim from the downloadable neighborhood of Dragon Valley, available from The Sims 3 Store. He is the only child to Aine and Fintan Mithrilen. He shares two traits, perfectionist and no sense of humor, with his father.

He shares his name with the American author Rick Riordan, who is best know for the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series, about a teenager named Percy Jackson who discovers he is a son of the Greek god Poseidon.


Logic skill icon Logic 2
Logic skill icon Logic 2