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The Sims 3: Late Night
Jones family
Jones family
The Jones really are the couple to keep up with. With both Johnny and Diana at the peak of their careers and no kids, life is pretty perfect for the moment. Will unforeseen wishes and desires introduce some bumps along the way?
Name Jones family
Members Johnny Jones, Diana Jones
Difficulty level 2 of 6
Other information
Game TS3LN Icon The Sims 3: Late Night
World Bridgeport
For other families with surname Jones, see Jones family.

The Jones family is a pre-made household that consists of a couple living in Bridgeport, in The Sims 3: Late Night. They stay in a loft at One Leo Center, and both are at level 4 of their careers. Johnny works in the political career track, while Diana works in the medicine career track. Their bio states that they have the perfect life as both Sims have jobs and currently have no children. They have §2000 in cash.

