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The Sims Wiki
Trait TS4 Gregarious

Communication is a toddler skill in The Sims 4. Toddlers increase this skill by babbling to themselves, older Sims and stuffed animals, and by watching videos on the Wabbit Tablet. Happy toddlers and toddlers with the Charmer trait gain Communication skill faster.


Talking is a huge step for any Toddler. Communication skill teaches Toddlers more advanced socials. Improve it by talking with others, and studying advanced Flash Cards.

Level 2 - (Sims Name) can now Hug and Hit others. He can also Learn Animals from Flash Cards with adults.

Level 3 - (Sims Name) can now Talk. He can Talk about Toys, Talk about Trucks, Yell At, or say Nonsense to others. He can Ask for Dessert. He can learn other socials by increasing other skills, as well.

Level 4 - (Sims Name) can now Talk about Party, Talk about Favorite Animal, and Tell Knock Knock Jokes. (Sims Name) can also Learn Objects from Flash Cards.

Level 5 - (Sims Name) has fully developed his verbal skills. He can now Tell Story, Tell Goofy Story, and Talk about Dinosaurs.
