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The Sims 3: Riverview The Sims 3 Store
Anita Lobos
Anita Lobos
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Child Child
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Anita Lobos is a little jealous of her sister's athletic ability. The only coordination she finds is with a paintbrush and easel.
Education and employment
School Object rabbithole school Elementary School
Grade B
Family Lobos family
Parents Angel Lobos, Marisol Lobos
Siblings Carlotta Lobos Twin Sister
Traits Trait Artistic small Artistic
Trait Clumsy small Clumsy
Trait Loner small Loner
Favorites Fav Latin Latin
Fav Hot Dog Hot Dogs
Fav Lilac Lilac
Hair color Haircolor5-TS3 Black
Eye color Eye-brown Brown
Skin color Tan skin-TS3 Tan
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game TS3RV Icon The Sims 3 Store
Playability Playable
World Riverview

Anita Lobos is the daughter of Angel Lobos and Marisol Lobos and the twin sister of Carlotta Lobos. She has close relationships with her entire immediate family. Although they are twins, they don't share identical facial structures and personalities. She is an artistic girl with one point of painting skill, but tends to be a loner. She is also a bit clumsy. She carries a book and a teddy bear.


Painting skill icon Painting 1
Painting skill icon Painting 1

Carlotta Lobos Carlotta Lobos Best friends
Angel Lobos Angel Lobos Best friends
Marisol Lobos Marisol Lobos Good friends
Travis McDermott Travis McDermott Acquaintance Acquaintance
Shirley Lin Shirley Lin Acquaintance Acquaintance
Jebidiah Wilson Jebidiah Wilson Acquaintance Acquaintance
Melvin Taft Melvin Taft Acquaintance Acquaintance
Robert Newbie Robert Newbie Acquaintance Acquaintance
Carlotta Lobos Carlotta Lobos Best friends
Angel Lobos Angel Lobos Best friends
Marisol Lobos Marisol Lobos Good friends
Travis McDermott Travis McDermott Acquaintance Acquaintance
Shirley Lin Shirley Lin Acquaintance Acquaintance
Jebidiah Wilson Jebidiah Wilson Acquaintance Acquaintance
Melvin Taft Melvin Taft Acquaintance Acquaintance
Robert Newbie Robert Newbie Acquaintance Acquaintance

