Strategic management : text and cases
Provides a treatment of traditional topics in strategic management. This title also offers thorough coverage of contemporary topics such intellectual assets, entrepreneurship, innovation, knowledge management, Internet strategies, crowdsourcing, environmental sustainability, businesses use of blogs and social networking sites and more.
1 volume (various pagings) : color illustrations ; 26 cm
9780078029318, 9780071317047, 0078029317, 007131704X
Machine generated contents note: pt. 1 Strategic Analysis
ch. 1 Strategic Management: Creating Competitive Advantages
Strategy Spotlight 1.1 How CEO George Buckley Turned Around 3M
What Is Strategic Management?
Defining Strategic Management
The Four Key Attributes of Strategic Management
The Strategic Management Process
Strategy Spotlight 1.2 Ambidextrous Behaviors
Combining Alignment and Adaptability
Intended versus Realized Strategies
Strategy Analysis
Strategy Formulation
Strategy Implementation
The Role of Corporate Governance and Stakeholder Management
Alternative Perspectives of Stakeholder Management
Strategy Spotlight 1.3 NGOs: A Key Stakeholder Group
Strategy Spotlight 1.4 How Goldcorp Used Crowdsourcing to Strike Gold!
Social Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability: Moving beyond the Immediate Stakeholders
The Strategic Management Perspective: An Imperative throughout the Organization. Contents note continued: Strategy Spotlight 1.5 Socially Responsible Investing (SRI): Can You Do Well by Doing Good?
Ensuring Coherence in Strategic Direction
Organizational Vision
Strategy Spotlight 1.6 Strategy and the Value of Inexperience
Mission Statements
Strategic Objectives
Strategy Spotlight 1.7 How the James Irvine Foundation Redefined Its Mission
ch. 2 Analyzing the External Environment of the Firm
Creating the Environmentally Aware Organization
The Role of Scanning, Monitoring, Competitive Intelligence, and Forecasting
Strategy Spotlight 2.1 How Zara, a Spanish Retailer, Spots Opportunities
Strategy Spotlight 2.2 Ethical Guidelines on Competitive Intelligence: United Technologies
Strategy Spotlight 2.3 Scenario Planning at PPG
SWOT Analysis
The General Environment
The Demographic Segment
Strategy Spotlight 2.4 China's Growing Middle Class Helps Cargo Carriers Rebound from the Recession. Contents note continued: The Sociocultural Segment
The Political/Legal Segment
The Technological Segment
Strategy Spotlight 2.5 How Microsoft "Gets Around" H-1B Visa Restrictions
The Economic Segment
The Global Segment
Relationships among Elements of the General Environment
Strategy Spotlight 2.6 The Internet and Digital Technologies: Affecting Many Environmental Segments
The Competitive Environment
Porter's Five-Forces Model of Industry Competition
Strategy Spotlight 2.7 Tuition Increases: Sometimes Students Have Low Bargaining Power
Strategy Spotlight 2.8 The Growing Viability of Renewable Resources as Substitutes for Fossil Fuels
How the Internet and Digital Technologies Are Affecting the Five Competitive Forces
Strategy Spotlight 2.9 Buyer Power in the Book Industry: The Role of the Internet
Using Industry Analysis: A Few Caveats
Strategic Groups within Industries. Contents note continued: Strategy Spotlight 2.10 Apple's iPod: Relationships with Its Complementors
ch. 3 Assessing the Internal Environment of the Firm
Value-Chain Analysis
Strategy Spotlight 3.1 The Limitations of SWOT Analysis
Primary Activities
Strategy Spotlight 3.2 Security Risks in Mexico Have Led to Higher Shipping Costs
Support Activities
Strategy Spotlight 3.3 Crowdsourcing: RYZ's Potential Customers Become Its Marketing and Design Staff
Strategy Spotlight 3.4 Removing Individual Metrics in Performance Evaluations
Interrelationships among Value-Chain Activities within and across Organizations
The "Prosumer" Concept: Integrating Customers into the Value Chain
Strategy Spotlight 3.5 Timberland's Detoxification Initiative
Applying the Value Chain to Service Organizations
Resource-Based View of the Firm
Types of Firm Resources
Firm Resources and Sustainable Competitive Advantages. Contents note continued: Strategy Spotlight 3.6 Blogs, Social Networking Sites, and Corporate Reputations: A Lethal Combination?
Strategy Spotlight 3.7 Amazon Prime: Very Difficult for Rivals to Copy
Strategy Spotlight 3.8 How a Chinese Beverage Company Succeeded by Creating Close Partnerships with Its Distributors
The Generation and Distribution of a Firm's Profits: Extending the Resource-Based View of the Firm
Evaluating Firm Performance: Two Approaches
Financial Ratio A nalysis
Integrating Financial Analysis and Stakeholder Perspectives: The Balanced Scorecard
Appendix to Chapter 3 How the Internet and Digital Technologies Add Value
ch. 4 Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving beyond a Firm's Tangible Resources
The Central Role of Knowledge in Today's Economy
Human Capital: The Foundation of Intellectual Capital
Attracting Human Capital
Strategy Spotlight 4.1 Going "Green" Helps Attract Talent. Contents note continued: Developing Human Capital
Strategy Spotlight 4.2 Time Warner's Reverse Mentoring Program
Retaining Human Capital
Enhancing Human Capital: The Role of Diversity in the Workforce
The Vital Role of Social Capital
How Social Capital Helps Attract and Retain Talent
Social Networks: Implications for Knowledge Management and Career Success
Strategy Spotlight 4.3 Don't Go Away Mad ... Now You Are a Valued Alum!
Strategy Spotlight 4.4 Picasso versus van Gogh: Who Was More Successful and Why?
The Potential Downside of Social Capital
Strategy Spotlight 4.5 Developing Social Capital: Do Women and Men Differ?
Using Technology to Leverage Human Capital and Knowledge
Using Networks to Share Information
Electronic Teams: Using Technology to Enhance Collaboration
Codifying Knowledge for Competitive Advantage
Strategy Spotlight 4.6 Videoconferencing: Allowing Employees to Communicate Face-to-Face over Long Di stances. Contents note continued: Strategy Spotlight 4.7 Crowdsourcing: How SAP Taps Knowledge Well beyond Its Boundaries
Protecting the Intellectual Assets of the Organization: Intellectual Property and Dynamic Capabilities
Intellectual Property Rights
Dynamic Capabilities
Strategy Spotlight 4.8 Research in Motion, Maker of the BlackBerry, Loses an Intellectual Property Lawsuit
pt. 2 Strategic Formulation
ch. 5 Business-Level Strategy: Creating and Sustaining Competitive Advantages
Types of Competitive Advantage and Sustainability
Overall Cost Leadership
Strategy Spotlight 5.1 The Experience Curve
Strategy Spotlight 5.2 Ryanair: A Highly Effective Overall Cost Leadership Strategy
Strategy Spotlight 5.3 Crowdsourcing: How Netflix Boosts Its Differentiation
Strategy Spotlight 5.4 If You Can't Afford an Extremely Expensive Car You Can Rent One. Contents note continued: Combination Strategies: Integrating Overall Low Cost and Differentiation
Can Competitive Strategies Be Sustained? Integrating and Applying Strategic Management Concepts
Atlas Door: A Case Example
Are Atlas Door's Competitive Advantages Sustainable?
How the Internet and Digital Technologies Affect the Competitive Strategies
Overall Cost Leadership
Are Combination Strategies the Key to E-Business Success?
Strategy Spotlight 5.5 Liberty Mutual's Electronic Invoice System: Combining Low Cost and Differentiation Advantages
Industry Life Cycle Stages: Strategic Implications
Strategies in the Introduction Stage
Strategies in the Growth Stage
Strategies in the Maturity Stage
Strategy Spotlight 5.6 Reverse and Breakaway Positioning: How to Avoid Being Held Hostage to the Life-Cycle Curve
Strategies in the Decline Stage
Turnaround Strategies. Contents note continued: Strategy Spotlight 5.7 Alan Mulally: Leading Ford's Extraordinary Turnaround
ch. 6 Corporate-Level Strategy: Creating Value through Diversification
Making Diversification Work: An Overview
Related Diversification: Economies of Scope and Revenue Enhancement
Leveraging Core Competencies
Strategy Spotlight 6.1 Procter & Gamble Leverages Its Core Competence in Marketing and (Believe It or Not!) Franchising
Sharing Activities
Related Diversification: Market Power
Pooled Negotiating Power
Vertical Integration
Strategy Spotlight 6.2 How 3M's Efforts to Increase Its Market Power Backfired
Strategy Spotlight 6.3 Vertical Integration at Shaw Industries
Unrelated Diversification: Financial Synergies and Parenting
Corporate Parenting and Restructuring
Portfolio Management
Caveat: Is Risk Reduction a Viable Goal of Diversification?
The Means to Achieve Diversification
Mergers and Acquisitions. Contents note continued: Strategy Spotlight 6.4 Effectively Managing the Human Side of Acquisitions
Strategy Spotlight 6.5 Why Did Tyco International Sell a Majority Stake in One of Its Businesses?
Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures
Strategy Spotlight 6.6 Crowdsourcing: How a Strategic Alliance Will Benefit Both Parties
Internal Development
How Managerial Motives Can Erode Value Creation
Strategy Spotlight 6.7 A Gourmet Deli Firm Leverages Its Core Competence and Creates a New Business
Growth for Growth's Sake
Strategy Spotlight 6.8 Cornelius Vanderbilt: Going to Great Lengths to Correct a Wrong
Strategy Spotlight 6.9 How Antitakeover Tactics May Benefit Multiple Stakeholders, Not Just Management
Antitakeover Tactics
ch. 7 International Strategy: Creating Value in Global Markets
The Global Economy: A Brief Overview
Factors Affecting a Nation's Competitiveness. Contents note continued: Strategy Spotlight 7.1 Marketing to the "Bottom of the Pyramid"
Factor Endowments
Demand Conditions
Related and Supporting Industries
Firm Strategy, Structure, and Rivalry
Concluding Comment on Factors Affecting a Nation's Competitiveness
International Expansion: A Company's Motivations and Risks
Motivations for International Expansion
Strategy Spotlight 7.2 India and the Diamond of National Advantage
Strategy Spotlight 7.3 How Walmart Profits from Arbitrage
Potential Risks of International Expansion
Strategy Spotlight 7.4 Reverse Innovation: How Developing Countries Are Becoming Hotbeds of Innovation
Strategy Spotlight 7.5 Counterfeiting: A Worldwide Problem
Global Dispersion of Value Chains: Outsourcing and Offshoring
Achieving Competitive Advantage in Global Markets
Two Opposing Pressures: Reducing Costs and Adapting to Local Markets. Contents note continued: Strategy Spotlight 7.6 A Small-Town Alternative to Offshoring Tech Services Work
International Strategy
Global Strategy
Multidomestic Strategy
Strategy Spotlight 7.7 Why Shell's Innovative Gasoline Product Backfired in Holland
Strategy Spotlight 7.8 Dealing with Bribery Abroad
Transnational Strategy
Global or Regional? A Second Look at Globalization
Entry Modes of International Expansion
Licensing and Franchising
Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures
Strategy Spotlight 7.9 Lamborghini and Callaway Form a High-Tech Alliance
Wholly Owned Subsidiaries
Strategy Spotlight 7.10 Pepsi's First-Mover Advantage in India Has Paid Off
ch. 8 Entrepreneurial Strategy and Competitive Dynamics
Recognizing Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Strategy Spotlight 8.1 The Contribution of Small Businesses to the U.S. Economy. Contents note continued: Strategy Spotlight 8.2 Entrepreneurial Vision to Revitalize Detroit
Entrepreneurial Resources
Strategy Spotlight 8.3 Green Plastics
Strategy Spotlight 8.4 Using the Power of the Social Group to Fund Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurial Leadership
Strategy Spotlight 8.5 Strategic Alliances: A Key Entrepreneurial Resource
Entrepreneurial Strategy
Entry Strategies
Strategy Spotlight 8.6 Pandora Rocks the Music Business
Generic Strategies
Strategy Spotlight 8.7 Low-Cost Imitator Vizio, Inc., Takes Off
Combination Strategies
Competitive Dynamics
Strategy Spotlight 8.8
-Combining Focus, Low Cost, and Differentiation
New Competitive Action
Threat Analysis
Motivation and Capability to Respond
Strategy Spotlight 8.9 The Wall Street Journal Challenges The New York Times
Types of Competitive Actions
Strategy Spotlight 8.10 AMD and Intel: The Multiple Dimensions of Competitive Dynamics. Contents note continued: Likelihood of Competitive Reaction
Choosing Not to React: Forbearance and Co-opetition
Strategy Spotlight 8.11 The UFL and the NFL: Cooperate or Compete?
pt. 3 Strategic Implementation
ch. 9 Strategic Control and Corporate Governance
Ensuring Informational Control: Responding Effectively to Environmental Change
A Traditional Approach to Strategic Control
A Contemporary Approach to Strategic Control
Strategy Spotlight 9.1 What Did General Motors Do Wrong?
Strategy Spotlight 9.2 Google's Interactive Control System
Attaining Behavioral Control: Balancing Culture, Rewards, and Boundaries
Building a Strong and Effective Culture
Motivating with Rewards and Incentives
Setting Boundaries and Constraints
Strategy Spotlight 9.3 Developing Meaningful Action Plans: Aircraft Interior Products, Inc
Behavioral Control in Organizations: Situational Factors
Evolving from Boundaries to Rewards and Culture. Contents note continued: The Role of Corporate Governance
Strategy Spotlight 9.4 The Relationship between Recommended Corporate Governance Practices and Firm Performance
The Modern Corporation: The Separation of Owners (Shareholders) and Management
Governance Mechanisms: Aligning the Interests of Owners and Managers
CEO Duality: Is It Good or Bad?
External Governance Control Mechanisms
Strategy Spotlight 9.5 The Impact of the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act on Corporate Directors
Strategy Spotlight 9.6 Two Examples of Powerful External Control Mechanisms
Corporate Governance: An International Perspective
Strategy Spotlight 9.7 Effective and Ineffective Corporate Governance among "Multilatinas"
ch. 10 Creating Effective Organizational Designs
Traditional Forms of Organizational Structure
Patterns of Growth of Large Corporations: Strategy-Structure Relationships
Simple Structure
Functional Structure. Contents note continued: Strategy Spotlight 10.1 Parkdale Mills: A Successful Functional Organizational Structure
Divisional Structure
Strategy Spotlight 10.2 Why Sun Microsystems Experienced Major Problems When It Changed Its Organizational Structure
Matrix Structure
International Operations: Implications for Organizational Structure
Global Start-Ups: A New Phenomenon
How an Organization's Structure Can Influence Strategy Formulation
Linking Strategic Reward and Evaluation Systems to Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies
Strategy Spotlight 10.3 Global on Day One
Business-Level Strategy: Reward and Evaluation Systems
Corporate-Level Strategy: Reward and Evaluation Systems
Boundaryless Organizational Designs
Strategy Spotlight 10.4 Boundary Types
The Barrier-Free Organization
Strategy Spotlight 10.5 The Business Roundtable: A Forum for Sharing Best Environmental Sustainability Practices
The Modular Organization. Contents note continued: Strategy Spotlight 10.6 Video Games: Microsoft's Outsourcing Strategy
The Virtual Organization
Strategy Spotlight 10.7 How Eli Lilly Used the Collaborative Power of the Internet-Based Collaboration to Foster Innovation
Boundaryless Organizations: Making Them Work
Creating Ambidextrous Organizational Designs
Strategy Spotlight 10.8 Crest's Whitestrips: An Example of How P & G Creates and Derives Benefits from a Boundaryless Organization
Ambidextrous Organizations: Key Design Attributes
Why Was the Ambidextrous Organization the Most Effective Structure?
ch. 11 Strategic Leadership: Creating a Learning Organization and an Ethical Organization
Leadership: Three Interdependent Activities
Strategy Spotlight 11.1 Julie Gilbert Sets a New Direction for Best Buy
Setting a Direction
Designing the Organization
Nurturing an Excellent and Ethical Culture. Contents note continued: Strategy Spotlight 11.2 IKEA's Founder: "Low Prices
-But Not at Any Price"
The Ambicultural Approach: A Key to Successfully Fulfilling the Three Leadership Activities
Elements of Effective Leadership
Integrative Thinking
Overcoming Barriers to Change
Strategy Spotlight 11.3 Integrative Thinking at Red Hat, Inc
The Effective Use of Power
Emotional Intelligence: A Key Leadership Trait
Strategy Spotlight 11.4 William Bratton: Using Multiple Bases of Power
Social Skill
Emotional Intelligence: Some Potential Drawbacks and Cautionary Notes
Developing a Learning Organization
Inspiring and Motivating People with a Mission or Purpose
Empowering Employees at All Levels
Strategy Spotlight 11.5 A Hospital's Unique Approach to Empowerment
Accumulating and Sharing Internal Knowledge
Gathering and Integrating External Information. Contents note continued: Challenging the Status Quo and Enabling Creativity
Creating an Ethical Organization
Individual Ethics versus Organizational Ethics
Strategy Spotlight 11.6 Green Energy: Real or Just a Marketing Ploy?
Integrity-Based versus Compliance-Based Approaches to Organizational Ethics
Role Models
Strategy Spotlight 11.7 Elements of a Corporate Code
Corporate Credos and Codes of Conduct
Reward and Evaluation Systems
Policies and Procedures
ch. 12 Managing Innovation and Fostering Corporate Entrepreneurship
Managing Innovation
Types of Innovation
Strategy Spotlight 12.1 Dutch Boy's Simple Paint Can Innovation
Challenges of Innovation
Strategy Spotlight 12.2 A Disruptive Innovation: The Slingshot and Affordable Clean Water
Cultivating Innovation Skills
Defining the Scope of Innovation
Managing the Pace of Innovation
Staffing to Capture Value from Innovation
Collaborating with Innovation Partners. Contents note continued: Strategy Spotlight 12.3 Staffing for Innovation Success at Air Products
Corporate Entrepreneurship
Strategy Spotlight 12.4 Crowdsourcing: IBM's Innovation Jam
Strategy Spotlight 12.5 Cisco Looks to Video to Spur Demand
Focused Approaches to Corporate Entrepreneurship
Strategy Spotlight 12.6 Using Team Tomorrow to Grow WD-40
Dispersed Approaches to Corporate Entrepreneurship
Strategy Spotlight 12.7 Microsoft's Struggles with Corporate Entrepreneurship
Measuring the Success of Corporate Entrepreneurship Activities
Real Options Analysis: A Useful Tool
Applications of Real Options Analysis to Strategic Decisions
Potential Pitfalls of Real Options Analysis
Entrepreneurial Orientation
Strategy Spotlight 12.8 Best Buy Finds Social Responsibility Drives Business
Competitive Aggressiveness
Risk Taking
pt. 4 Case Analysis. Contents note continued: ch. 13 Analyzing Strategic Management Cases
Why Analyze Strategic Management Cases?
How to Conduct a Case Analysis
Strategy Spotlight 13.1 Analysis, Decision Making, and Change at Sapient Health Network
Become Familiar with the Material
Strategy Spotlight 13.2 Using a Business Plan Framework to Analyze Strategic Cases
Identify Problems
Conduct Strategic Analyses
Propose Alternative Solutions
Make Recommendations
How to Get the Most from Case Analysis
Using Conflict-Inducing Decision-Making Techniques in Case Analysis
Symptoms of Groupthink and How to Prevent It
Strategy Spotlight 13.3 Making Case Analysis Teams More Effective
Using Conflict to Improve Decision Making
Following the Analysis-Decision-Action Cycle in Case Analysis
Includes index