Front cover image for Unspeakable : the rise of the gay and lesbian press in America

Unspeakable : the rise of the gay and lesbian press in America

Streitmatter documents the major phases in the evolution of the gay press while providing a window into the history of the Gay and Lesbian Movement
Print Book, English, 1995
Faber and Faber, Boston, 1995
xvi, 424 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
9780571198733, 0571198732
Breaking the editorial ice with "America's gayest magazine" (1947 to 1948)
Creating a venue for the "love that dare not speak its name" (1950s)
Raising a militant voice (early and mid-1960s)
Connecting with the counterculture (late 1960s)
After Stonewall : transforming a "moment" into a movement (1969 to 1972)
Defining lesbian culture (mid-1970s)
Defining gay male culture (mid-1970s)
Fighting back against the new right (late 1970s)
AIDS : uncovering or covering up? (early 1980s)
Raging against the status quo (late 1980s)
Marching into the mainstream (1990s)
Looking back to see the future