Front cover image for NATO-Warsaw Pact force mobilization

NATO-Warsaw Pact force mobilization

Print Book, English, 1988
National Defense University Press : Sold by U.S. G.P.O., Washington, DC, 1988
Government publications
xviii, 563 pages : illustrations, maps ; 23 cm
NATO and Warsaw Pact institutional developments / Jeffrey Simon
Soviet reinforcement and mobilization issues / John J. Yurechko
US mobilization for reinforcing Western Europe / Karl H. Lowe
The Soviet perception of US reinforcement of NATO / Michael J. Deane
Future US reinforcement options / Peter A. Wilson
The GDR: a model mobilization / Douglas A. Macgregor
The Czechoslovak armed forces / Christopher D. Jones
The Federal Republic of Germany / Phillip A. Karber and John H. Milam
France / Diego A. Ruiz Palmer. The United Kingdom / David C. Isby
The Polish People's Army / Les Griggs
Hungarian mobilization and force structure / Ivan Volgyes and Zoltan Barany
Belgium: the strategic hub / Robert R. Ulin
The Dutch contribution to NATO / Peter M.E. Volten
The Bulgarian People's Army / Daniel N. Nelson
The Romanian armed forces / George W. Price
Danish defense problems / Christian Thune
Force mobilization in Norway / Tonne Huitfeldt
Based on a conference held in November 1987 at the National Defense University; sponsored by the Mobilization Concepts Development Center