Scrooge McDuck Wikia
Scrooge McDuck Wikia

Agnes McDuck was a countess of Clan McDuck in the 2017 Continuum.


Agnes was well-known for putting down the Whiskerville Rebellion, and was honored with a massive statue in her likeness in Castle McDuck. This statue was later animated by the magic of the Blessed Bagpipe of Clan McDuck, and became involved in a squabble with the statues of Murdoch and Danny McDuck. However, the trio later put aside their feud upon discovering that their living descendants were being threatened by agents of F.O.W.L., only to be rendered inanimate once again.

Behind the scenes[]

Agnes McDuck first appeared in the DuckTales 2017 episode The Fight for Castle McDuck, which first aired November 23, 2020. She was one of two new members of Clan McDuck-the other being Danny-to be introduced in the 2017 Continuum in the episode, never having appeared in any previous media.

