SCP Database Wiki

Yusuf Ali is an employee of the SCP Foundation under the position of Large-Scale Containment Specialist.



After 12 January 1991, Yusuf Ali was one of three people invited by Joseph Kurtz, a Department of Applied Force liaison, to counter the SCP-4661 Collapse Incident that was occurring in Las Vegas and Paradise, Nevada.

At the first SCP-4661 Incident Committee meeting, Ali inquired as to what Mobile Task Forces were being deployed. He later replied to Senior Researcher Randall House's statement about the amount of demons not appearing in a short amount of time, with Ali stating that it was not unexpected given Vegas's notoriety.

At the second Incident Committee meeting, Ali showed impatience with House's plan. Later, he stated that the idea of Hell wasn't far-fetched with all that was going on, and that no one in Vegas will notice the armed soldiers.[1]



