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Tennessee Williams

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Tennessee Williams
Tennessee Williams (age 54) fotografed bi Orland Fernandez in 1965 for the 20t anniversary o The Glass Menagerie
BornThomas Lanier Williams III
26 Mairch 1911(1911-03-26)
Columbus, Mississippi, Unitit States
Dee'd25 Februar 1983(1983-02-25) (aged 71)
New York Ceety, Unitit States
Restin place
Calvary Seemetry
St. Louis, Missouri
Pairtner(s)Frank Merlo
Pancho Rodríguez y González
PawrentsEdwina an Cornelius Coffin Williams

Thomas Lanier "Tennessee" Williams III (Mairch 26, 1911 – Februar 25, 1983) wis an American playwricht an author o mony stage clessics. Alang wi Eugene O'Neill an Arthur Miller he is conseedert amang the three foremaist playwrichts in 20t-century American drama.[1]

Efter years o obscurity, at age 33 he becam suddenly famous wi the success o The Glass Menagerie (1944) in New York Ceety. This play closely reflectit his awn unhappy faimily backgrund. It wis the first o a string o successes, includin A Streetcar Named Desire (1947), Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1955), an Sweet Bird of Youth (1959). Wi his later wark, he attemptit a new style that did nae appeal tae audiences. Increasin alcohol an drog dependence inhibitit his creautive expression. His drama A Streetcar Named Desire is eften nummered on short leets o the finest American plays o the 20t century alangside Eugene O'Neill's Long Day's Journey into Night an Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman.[1]

Muckle o Williams' maist acclaimed wark haes been adaptit for the cinema. He an aw wrote short stories, poetry, essays an a vollum o memoirs. In 1979, fower years afore his daith, Williams wis inductit intae the American Theater Hall of Fame.


  1. a b Bloom, Harold, ed. (1987). Tennessee Williams. Chelsea House Publishing. p. 57. ISBN 978-0877546368.