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Frisie leids

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The Frisie leids (Frisie: Frysk, Dutch: Fries, German: Friesisch) are a faimily o leids spak by the Frisie fowk o the province o Friesland in the Netherlands an in northren Germany an aw. The leid is spak by aboot hauf a million fowk. It is a Wast Germanic leid an is sib tae Scots an Inglis. Thare are three kynds o the Frisie leid; Wast-Frisie, Saterland Frisie an Nor' Frisie.

Kynds o the Frisie leid


A sign in Frisie in the Netherlands

Wast-Frisie is maistly sprak in the province o Friesland (Fryslân in Wast-Frisie), in the Netherlands. It is estimatit tae hae 350,000 tae 500,000 fowk speakin it.

Saterland Frisie

Saterland Frisie is sprak in the state o Lawer Saxony in Germany. It is estimatit tae hae aboot 2,000 fowk speakin it.

North Frisie

North Frisie is sprak in the state o Schleswig-Holstein in Germany, an haes aboot 10,000 fowk speakin it.


Compairative sentences

Saterland Frisie Die Wänt strookede dät Wucht uum ju Keeuwe un oapede hier ap do Sooken.

Nor' Frisie Di dreng aide dåt foomen am dåt kan än mäket har aw da siike.

Wast Frisie De jonge streake it famke om it kin en tute har op 'e wangen.

Dutch De jongen streek het meisje langs haar kin en kuste haar op de wangen.

Scots The laddie straikit the lassie aboot the chin an kisst her on the chowk.

Inglis The boy stroked the girl around the chin and kissed her on the cheeks.