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Shown here is an example of a rare Team Crest Huffy built by Ben Serotta. Some of the original gruppo has been changed over the years, but the masterfully built steel frame is what makes these Serotta bikes a target for both collectors and enthusiasts alike. Many experts say that it is nearly impossible to duplicate the ride and feel of a Serotta built steel frame using modern technology and materials.
Along with the Team Crest 'Huffy' race bikes, Ben Serotta also built many of the Team 7-Eleven bikes.
18 marzu 2007 (data di caricamento originaria)
No machine-readable source provided. Own work assumed (based on copyright claims).
No machine-readable author provided. Dnaplus2 assumed (based on copyright claims).
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Shown here is an example of a rare Team Crest Huffy built by Ben Serotta. Some of the original gruppo has been changed over the years, but the masterfully built steel frame is what makes these Serotta bikes a target for both collectors and enthusiasts ali
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