The creation of living space and homeland consolidation with reference to Bophuthatswana
HJ Moolman�- Africa Insight, 1977 -
… Apart from Mzilikazi there were also other raiding parties in Tswanaland, like that of the
woman leader Mmatatisi of the Tlokwa, causing several chain actions and leaving the country in …
woman leader Mmatatisi of the Tlokwa, causing several chain actions and leaving the country in …
Mapping Shekgalagari in Southern Africa: A sociohistorical and linguistic study
AM Chebanne, KC Monaka�- History in Africa, 2008 -
… There is a group of Sotho-Tswana people in Namibia who are known as Batswana, and who
live in an area called Tswanaland. These, however, speak Shekgalagari and not Setswana. …
live in an area called Tswanaland. These, however, speak Shekgalagari and not Setswana. …
[PDF][PDF] Grammatical Values of Possession in Setswana
AM Chebanne -
The possession values discussed in this chapter are akin to the expression of possession
that is described in Bantu languages where there is a connective-a joined to pronominal …
that is described in Bantu languages where there is a connective-a joined to pronominal …
A socio-environmental analysis of land alienation and resettlement in Ga-Rankuwa, c. 1961 to 1977
MC Kgari-Masondo�- Journal for Contemporary History, 2013 -
This article presents a historical case-study in forced removals and its ramifications from
1961 to 1977 from the perspective of socio-environmental history. The focus area is Pretoria (…
1961 to 1977 from the perspective of socio-environmental history. The focus area is Pretoria (…
Old Tswana and new Latin
DT Cole�- South African Journal of African Languages, 1990 - Taylor & Francis
The well-known phenomenon of the adoption into English of vocabulary from other languages
is discussed and illustrated briefly, with particular reference to southern African languages…
is discussed and illustrated briefly, with particular reference to southern African languages…
Mind in the Heart of Darkness: Value and Self-Identity among the Tswana of Southern Africa
BG Blount - 1981 - JSTOR
… In order to test the hypothesis, Alverson selected three research sites in Tswanaland,
each chosen to take advantage of most of the demographic, geographic, climatologic, and …
each chosen to take advantage of most of the demographic, geographic, climatologic, and …
Refugees, resettlement, and land and resource conflicts: The politics of identity among! Xun and Khwe San in Northeastern Namibia
RK Hitchcock�- African Study Monographs, 2012 -
This study examines land use, natural resource, and development conflicts, and the effects
of government policies in a remote area in northeastern Namibia, known formerly as West …
of government policies in a remote area in northeastern Namibia, known formerly as West …
Old Tswana and new Latin
DT Cole�- Botswana Notes & Records, 1991 -
The well-known phenomenon of the adoption into English of vocabulary from other languages
is discussed and illustrated briefly, with particular reference to southern African languages…
is discussed and illustrated briefly, with particular reference to southern African languages…
[PDF][PDF] South Africa and the nation state
AJ Christopher�- Zambezia, 1972 -
… The result has been some high population densities ranging from 24 per km�2 in Tswanaland*
to 68 per km-2 in Zululand.* One of the most noticeable physical features of the states is …
to 68 per km-2 in Zululand.* One of the most noticeable physical features of the states is …
Nation-Building and Debates on'Perfect'Country Name: An Appraisal of Letters to Newspapers in Botswana, 1981 and 2002
CJ Makgala�- Botswana Notes and Records, 2008 - JSTOR
This paper makes an attempt at content analysis of the government owned Botswana Daily
News and private newspapers in Botswana on the appropriateness of the name the country. …
News and private newspapers in Botswana on the appropriateness of the name the country. …