The creation of living space and homeland consolidation with reference to Bophuthatswana

HJ Moolman�- Africa Insight, 1977 -
… Apart from Mzilikazi there were also other raiding parties in Tswanaland, like that of the
woman leader Mmatatisi of the Tlokwa, causing several chain actions and leaving the country in …

Mapping Shekgalagari in Southern Africa: A sociohistorical and linguistic study

AM Chebanne, KC Monaka�- History in Africa, 2008 -
… There is a group of Sotho-Tswana people in Namibia who are known as Batswana, and who
live in an area called Tswanaland. These, however, speak Shekgalagari and not Setswana. …

[PDF][PDF] Grammatical Values of Possession in Setswana

AM Chebanne -
The possession values discussed in this chapter are akin to the expression of possession
that is described in Bantu languages where there is a connective-a joined to pronominal …

A socio-environmental analysis of land alienation and resettlement in Ga-Rankuwa, c. 1961 to 1977

MC Kgari-Masondo�- Journal for Contemporary History, 2013 -
This article presents a historical case-study in forced removals and its ramifications from
1961 to 1977 from the perspective of socio-environmental history. The focus area is Pretoria (…

Old Tswana and new Latin

DT Cole�- South African Journal of African Languages, 1990 - Taylor & Francis
The well-known phenomenon of the adoption into English of vocabulary from other languages
is discussed and illustrated briefly, with particular reference to southern African languages…

Mind in the Heart of Darkness: Value and Self-Identity among the Tswana of Southern Africa

BG Blount - 1981 - JSTOR
… In order to test the hypothesis, Alverson selected three research sites in Tswanaland,
each chosen to take advantage of most of the demographic, geographic, climatologic, and …

Refugees, resettlement, and land and resource conflicts: The politics of identity among! Xun and Khwe San in Northeastern Namibia

RK Hitchcock�- African Study Monographs, 2012 -
This study examines land use, natural resource, and development conflicts, and the effects
of government policies in a remote area in northeastern Namibia, known formerly as West …

Old Tswana and new Latin

DT Cole�- Botswana Notes & Records, 1991 -
The well-known phenomenon of the adoption into English of vocabulary from other languages
is discussed and illustrated briefly, with particular reference to southern African languages…

[PDF][PDF] South Africa and the nation state

AJ Christopher�- Zambezia, 1972 -
… The result has been some high population densities ranging from 24 per km�2 in Tswanaland*
to 68 per km-2 in Zululand.* One of the most noticeable physical features of the states is …

Nation-Building and Debates on'Perfect'Country Name: An Appraisal of Letters to Newspapers in Botswana, 1981 and 2002

CJ Makgala�- Botswana Notes and Records, 2008 - JSTOR
This paper makes an attempt at content analysis of the government owned Botswana Daily
News and private newspapers in Botswana on the appropriateness of the name the country. …