Rerun: Exploiting episodes for lightweight memory race recording

DR Hower, MD Hill�- ACM SIGARCH computer architecture news, 2008 -
… We develop a memory race recording mechanism, called Rerun, … Rerun exploits the dual
of conventional wisdom in race … In particular, Rerun passively creates atomic episodes. Each …

ReRun: Enabling Multi-Perspective Analysis of Driving Interaction in VR

D Goedicke, H Haraldsson, N Klein, L Zhou…�- Companion of the 2023�…, 2023 -
Rerun is a software system to support post-facto analysis in simulation research. In this
submission, we show it working inside a multiplayer driving simulator. Rerun is built in Unity 3D …

Extending ReRun, Annotating Interactions in VR

L Chen, D Goedicke, W Ju�- Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE�…, 2024 -
In the rapidly evolving field of autonomous vehicle (AV) technology, virtual reality (VR)
simulations have proven to be an effective method in interaction research. This paper addresses …

The uses and gratifications of rerun viewing

D Furno-Lamude, J Anderson�- Journalism Quarterly, 1992 -
… of rerun viewing by investigating the similarities and differences between the uses and
gratifications of viewing a favorite rerun … The definition of a rerun program alone would appear to …

The rerun ritual: Using VCRs to re-view

JR Dobrow�- Social and cultural aspects of VCR use, 2012 -
By now, everyone knows that the VCR is a technology that allows for great flexibility in viewing.
This is not only true in terms of content (enabling people to watch what they want to watch…

[PDF][PDF] Rerun

C Van Bussum�- Calliope (1954-2001), 1964 -
" God, Joe's a great guy!" said the boy as he watched the stocky male figure slowly mount the
staircase. The figure paused at the upstairs landing and burped gently before it entered a …

[PDF][PDF] Rerun (1995)

H Morrical - 1995 -
[Assignment: Henry Adams, in his autobiography, claims that the most important things he
learned in life he learned accidentally. Write a list for yourself of all the things you remember …

[BOOK][B] Rerun nation: How repeats invented American television

D Kompare - 2006 -
Rerun Nation is a fascinating approach to television history and theory through the ubiquitous
yet overlooked phenomenon of reruns. Kompare covers both historical and conceptual …

Push, pull, rerun: Television reruns and streaming media

A Gilbert�- Television & New Media, 2019 -
… Is a season of a Netflix original series a “rerun” when a newer season is released, when …
content as a rerun for online platforms. It is worth noting that the term rerun is itself becoming …

Network rerun viewing in the age of new programming services

BR Litman, LS Kohl�- Journalism Quarterly, 1992 -
… of the 1985-1 986 season with rerun viewing. Only a minority of sample households admitted
to frequent rerun viewing. The typical rerun enthusiast was something of a television addict, …