Developing a virtual physics world
In this article, the successful implementation of a development cycle for a physics teaching
package based on game-like virtual reality software is reported. The cycle involved several …
package based on game-like virtual reality software is reported. The cycle involved several …
Physics and the real world
GFR Ellis�- Foundations of Physics, 2006 - Springer
Physics and chemistry underlie the nature of all the world around us, including human brains.
Consequently some suggest that in causal terms, physics is all there is. However, we live …
Consequently some suggest that in causal terms, physics is all there is. However, we live …
The physics of the Web
AL Barab�si�- Physics World, 2001 -
TH E INTERNET appears to have taken on a life of its own ever since the National Science
foundation in the US gave up stewardship of the network in 1995. New lines and routers are …
foundation in the US gave up stewardship of the network in 1995. New lines and routers are …
[BOOK][B] Doing physics: how physicists take hold of the world
MH Krieger - 2012 -
Page 1 DOING PHYSICS Page 2 Page 3 DOING PHYSICS How Physicists Take Hold of the
World MARTIN H. KRIEGER Second Edition iNDiANA uNivERsity pREss Bloomington & …
World MARTIN H. KRIEGER Second Edition iNDiANA uNivERsity pREss Bloomington & …
The stuff the world is made of: Physics and reality
D Aerts�- Einstein Meets Magritte: An Interdisciplinary Reflection�…, 1999 - Springer
An intelligence that would know at a certain moment all the forces existing in nature and the
situations of the bodies that compose nature, and if it would be powerful enough to analyze …
situations of the bodies that compose nature, and if it would be powerful enough to analyze …
The rise and fall of a physics fraudster
ES Reich�- Physics World, 2009 -
24 Physics World May 2009 through the insulator. This result, called ambipolarity, would have
made it easier to wire the transistors into inverters (logical circuits that are able to reverse …
made it easier to wire the transistors into inverters (logical circuits that are able to reverse …
Second Life Physics: Virtual, real, or surreal?
RP Santos�- arXiv preprint arXiv:1405.6327, 2014 -
Science teaching detached itself from reality and became restricted to the classrooms and
textbooks with their overreliance on standardized and repetitive exercises, while students …
textbooks with their overreliance on standardized and repetitive exercises, while students …
The most beautiful experiment
RP Crease�- Physics World, 2002 -
… Other Slashdot participants proposed many of the same experiments as Physics World
readers – and often for similar reasons. However, they also came up with an imaginative variety …
readers – and often for similar reasons. However, they also came up with an imaginative variety …
The physics of traffic
BS Kerner�- Physics world, 1999 -
TRAFFIC jams are a fact of life for many car drivers. Every morning millions of drivers around
the world sit motionless in their vehicles for long periods of time as they try to get to work, …
the world sit motionless in their vehicles for long periods of time as they try to get to work, …
The rise and rise of citation analysis
LI Meho�- Physics World, 2007 -
33 Physics World January 2007 alerting readers to forthcoming works. Citations also
substantiate claims, give credit to related works and provide leads to poorly disseminated, poorly …
substantiate claims, give credit to related works and provide leads to poorly disseminated, poorly …