The Metaphysical Detective in Nuruddin Farah's Sweet and Sour Milk and Links
B Shringarpure�- English in Africa, 2019 -
In a large number of works about postcolonial civil wars, detectives, investigations, quests or
investigative journeys, violent intrigues and discoveries about the past all figure prominently…
investigative journeys, violent intrigues and discoveries about the past all figure prominently…
[PDF][PDF] NOAA/NESDIS/ORA 1Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Team 2Advanced Satellite Products Team
DW Hillger, TJ Schmit -
This paper deals with the subject of noise introduced by the quantization of a range of
measurements into a limited number of counts. In the case of GOES-R both cold cloud-top and fire …
measurements into a limited number of counts. In the case of GOES-R both cold cloud-top and fire …
Klaus Arnold/Christoph Classen (Hrsg.): Zwischen Pop und Propaganda. Radio in der DDR. Berlin: Ch. Links, 2004
T Lietz�- M&K Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 2006 -
in die Peergroup hineingetragen werden. Nicht zuletzt wird andererseits auch deutlich, dass
ein hoher Werbeaufwand und ausgefeil Page 1 in die Peergroup hineingetragen werden. …
ein hoher Werbeaufwand und ausgefeil Page 1 in die Peergroup hineingetragen werden. …
Magnetic field effects on electrical resistivity of (Gd1−xPrx)Ba2Cu3O7−δ and Gd(Ba2−xPrx)Cu3O7+δ
MR Mohammadizadeh, M Akhavan�- physica status solidi (c), 2004 - Wiley Online Library
The magnetoresistance measurements of single phase polycrystalline Gd(Ba 2−x Pr x )Cu 3
O 7+δ and (Gd 1−x Pr x )Ba 2 Cu 3 O 7−δ samples have been compared and analyzed by …
O 7+δ and (Gd 1−x Pr x )Ba 2 Cu 3 O 7−δ samples have been compared and analyzed by …
[CITATION][C] Change the color of visited links, 2004
J Nielsen - 2008
[CITATION][C] A Feasibility of the Economic Integration of Kinmen and Xiamen After the Launch of Mini-Three Links, 2004
W Wei-huang
[CITATION][C] Analog Optical Links, 2004
CH Cox III - Cambridge University Press
[CITATION][C] Knots and Links, 2004
PR Cromwell - Cambridge University Press�…