Did you mean: "Lake Kereta"

Kayaking Karelia

L Bakal�- Russian Life, 2010 - go.gale.com
… Last year we decided to float down the river Keret, which flows out of Lake Keret in
Northern Karelia, then cuts a path, through a series of lakes, to Chupsky Inlet in the Gulf of …

Peculiarities of distribution and transformation of water in the Keret'River tidal estuary

SS Krylov, NY Bobrov, GV Pryakhina…�- Russian Meteorology�…, 2014 - Springer
… The Keret’ River flows out of Lake Keret’ lo cated in the north of Karelia and forms the one-branch
es tu ary zone when flow ing into the White Sea. The av er age an nual wa ter dis …

[PDF][PDF] Early magmatism of the Belomorian Mobile Belt, Baltic Shield: lateral zoning and isotopic age

EV Bibikova, AI Slabunov, SV Bogdanova…�- PETROLOGY C/C OF�…, 1999 - researchgate.net
… belt; Sample 989-1 is metatrondhjemite from the Lake Keret’ area, Keret’ greenstone belt; …
diorite and Sample E-624 is trondhjemite from the Lake Keret’ area, Keret’ greenstone belt; …

Middle to late Archaean geology of the eastern Baltic shield, with a note on its similarity and contrast with the Archaean of southern India

R Srinivasan, K Naha, YJ Bhaskar Rao…�- Proceedings of the�…, 1993 - Springer
… Slabunov AY 1991 Late Archaean sedimentary and volcanogenic deposits in the boundary
zone between the Karelian and Belomorian segments of the Baltic shield in the Lake Keret

[PDF][PDF] Aleksandr I. Slabunov (on the 60th anniversary)

A Pervunina�- Серия Геология докембрия, 2017 - journals.krc.karelia.ru
98 общеевропейского проекта SVEKALAPKO, с 2011 г.–российско-индийским и
российско-южноафриканским. В 2006 г. получил грант Академии Финляндии для реализации …

The Archaean nucleus of the Fennoscandian (Baltic) Shield

AI Slabunov, SB Lobach-Zhuchenko, EV Bibikova… - 2006 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Archaean supracrustal complexes, known in the Fennoscandian (Baltic) Shield, are described
and discussed by analysing the time sections 3.1–2.9, 2.9–2.75 and 2.75–2.65 Ga. Data …

High-temperature amphibolization synchronous with enderbite migmatization of mafic granulites in granulite-enderbite-charnockite complexes in Karelia

NE Korol�- Petrology, 2009 - Springer
… plexes were examined (1–4) within the Belomorian Mobile Belt: (1) the area of Lake
Notozero–Lake Kovdozero, (2) Lake Kerchug, (3) capes Vichany and Mundinavolok in Lake Keret, …


ОИ Володичев�- GRANULITE AND ECLOGITE COMPLEXES IN THE�… - elibrary.krc.karelia.ru
… A Ky–Opx paragenesis, seldom encountered in nature, was reported from the Vichany area
(Lake Keret). Local high-pressure granulite-facies metamorphic events are exemplified by …

Sm-Nd data as a key to the origin of the Archean sanukitoids of Karelia, Baltic shield

AV Kovalenko�- Geochemistry International, 2008 - Springer
New Sm-Nd isotopic data were obtained for the Late Archean sanukitoids of the Karelian
granite-greenstone terrain of the Baltic shield. Regional variations in their Nd isotopic …

[CITATION][C] Lake Keret area

AI Slabunov�- VN Kozhevnikov, AI Slabunov and YY Systra�…, 1992
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