[BOOK][B] HM Seervai

M Kirby - 2008 - books.google.com
On the life and legacy of Hormasji Manekji Seervai, 1906-1996, former Advocate General of
Maharashtra, India; centenary lecture delivered by the author at Mumbai on 9th January …

HM Seervai-His Life, Book & Legacy

M Kirby�- Indian J. Const. L., 2009 - HeinOnline
… In India, one such advocate and scholar, of world renown, was Hormasji Maneckji
Seervai, born in Bombay on 5 December 1906. …

HM Seervai–Indian Advocate and Great Lawyer of the Commonwealth of Nations

M Kirby**�- Commonwealth Law Bulletin, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
Hormasji Maneckji Seervai was born in Bombay on 5 December 1906. At the same time,
on the other side of the subcontinent, Rabindranath Tagore was reaching the zenith of his …

Centenary of HM Seervai–Doyen of Indian constitutional law–an Australian appreciation

M Kirby�- Legal Studies, 2007 - cambridge.org
Hormasji Maneckji Seervai was born in Bombay on 5 December 1906. At the same time,
on the other side of the subcontinent, Rabindranath Tagore was reaching the zenith of his …

[CITATION][C] Constitutional law of India: a critical commentary with supplement

HM Seervai�- (No Title), 1968 - cir.nii.ac.jp
Constitutional law of India : a critical commentary with supplement | CiNii Research CiNii 国立
情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動 論文・データをさがす�…

Partition of India. Legend and Reality

AJ Bullier - 1991 - JSTOR
Hormasji Maneckji Seervai nous propose aujourd'hui un examen r�visionniste de l'his
toire du partage, au vu des derniers documents accessibles. L'auteur est particu li�rement …

Muslim Shrines in India

AJ Bullier - 1991 - JSTOR
Hormasji Maneckji Seervai nous propose aujourd'hui un examen r�visionniste de l'his
toire du partage, au vu des derniers documents accessibles. L'auteur est particu li�rement …

Secret Jurisprudence: Decision-Making on Capital Clemency Petitions in India

B Batra�- Executive Clemency, 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
… 21 As the jurist Hormasji Maneckji Seervai pointed out, all the facts were known to the court
when it admitted the petition (Hormasji Maneckji Seervai, Constitutional Law of India (4th edn…

Zur Vereinbarkeit von Hinduismus und Menschenrechten

JA Dohrmann�- Handbuch Religion in Konflikten und�…, 2024 - Springer
… 3 Hormasji Maneckji Seervai, einer der f�hrenden indischen Verfassungsrechtler, verweist
wie selbstverst�ndlich auf die westlich gepr�gten Wurzeln der Grundrechte der indischen …

Demosprudence versus jurisprudence: The Indian judicial experience in the context of comparative constitutional studies

U Baxi�- Macquarie Law Journal, 2014 - search.informit.org
It is a great honour to be asked to deliver this Tony Blackshield Lecture. Succeeding the
inaugural address delivered by Justice Michael Kirby and the lecture by Professor George …